Living Near The Texas Mexico Border

I migrated to Brownsville, Texas from St. Louis, Missouri in 1982.



Fence along US-Mexico border Photo by Author

Brownsville, El Paso, and other border cities have been in the news lately because of the expiration of Title 42, the Covid 19 immigration policy enacted by the Trump administration.

I came to the Rio Grande Valley from the Midwest with a campaign run by the local school district:

Like the Beach? Come and Teach!

I liked it so much that I stayed for forty years and have no plans to leave.

The above photo is a portion of the fence at the United States/Mexico border in Brownsville, Texas. I took this photo on May 12, 2023, at Lincoln Park, which is right across the street from the university I worked at for twenty years before retiring.

I used to sit in this park and eat lunch sometimes while I was working. It was never scary or full of migrants trying to cross.

Dr. Juliet Garcia was the first Hispanic woman to serve as a university president in the United States. She negotiated with the Bush administration to build a chain link fence on university property which is why you see the two styles of fence shown in the photo. The Rio Grande River is beyond the fence just out of sight.




Retired educator. Taught music to kids from 1-92. Love reading. Love travel, baking, writing, laughing , connecting with people.