Living Without Feelings Is No Way To Live At All

And why what you’re really suppressing/ numbing/ avoiding is your humanity.

Matt Hogan


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“The foot feels the foot when it feels the ground.”

Buddha, via MoveMe Quotes

When I suspend my foot in the air, I can’t feel it.

It isn’t until I move it around, curl my toes up against each other, or press it against the ground that I can feel the sensations that make up what I know to be my foot. It’s why when you ask someone if they can feel one of their body parts (after waking up from sleep or surgery or an injury), they have to wiggle it around and stimulate it in some way to check.

Without stimulus there is no response.

It isn’t until a certain threshold is crossed with any bodily contact that a nerve response will fire the corresponding signal to the brain. And so if you want to feel the foot, you need to expose it to the forces of the world. And so it is if you want to feel the hand, arm, leg, or face. In fact, if you want to feel at all, you have to be willing to expose yourself to the various stimuli of the world.

It should be noted then that laying dormant in any way, shape, or form (body, mind, or spirit) will withhold your ability to feel. When you suspend yourself…



Matt Hogan

I help busy people do inner work. Specifically find alignment, build discipline, and uncover joy. Read my daily musings at