Locus of Control

I Hold The Gear and Believe In Myself!

Indubala Kachhawa
3 min readFeb 2, 2021


Photo by Jon Ly on Unsplash

When things go wrong, as they will.
I hold the compass of my being,
maneuver and turn the wheel.
Believing, I can, with a humongous zeal,
which clears the mist a great deal

I believe in myself

Time and again,
I traverse the path, from I cannot to I can.
Obstacles intimidate me in vain.
Trapped in life’s pandemonium,
focus is on the goal.
Deep-rooted is my Locus of Control.
My modus operandi is INSIDE OUT,
and not the other way around

Because my self worth is profound

I do sway in a wave of impediments,
and land in perilous predicaments.
I trust my caliber without a bother.
Strive to make situations better,
to ignite, and feed my self-worth.

To win over the crisis, is the ultimate catharsis

I chose not to be a silent spectator or a passive bystander.
Not everything is a matter of chance.
Will and fortitude skew any circumstance.
Past struggles bequeathed this guidance.
My mind is not a playground for anxiety.
I accept the adversity in all its nimiety.

Because I am the doer, my actions are my fate
I let my worth dominate

I refuse to be an ostrich.
It’s shame to hide one’s face in a ditch in the hour of glitch.
I take control of my situations,
hold the responsibility for all my actions.
I am in-charge, hear me roar
I know my worth, I hold the gear.

I know my worth, The fountain of my mirth
Sprouting from within, immense in girth

My Locus of Control is within

Locus of control is a psychological concept. It is our outlook about whom we account for our own situations. Ourselves, or someone else. It is an attitude by which we look and hold responsible either ourselves or others (people, circumstances) for our success/failures, predicaments.

It refers to how strongly people believe they can control the situations that affect their lives or thy believe this control is beyond their power.

Let us not confuse locus of control with motivation. Motivation is from where we derive the energy to do something. Locus of control is related to where we position the responsibility, choice, and control for what we could [not] accomplish and whatever happens in life.

There are two types of Loci of Control

  1. External: In this, the person tends to attribute his situation, success, failures to the outside environment. An external locus of control supports a belief that one is helpless and not in control of one’s successes and failures. They have the attitude of waiting for situations to improve and then doing their bit.
  2. Internal: People with an Internal Locus of Control tend to take charge of the situation and believe in their ability to influence outcomes through their own actions. They believe in their ability to mold adverse situations in their favor.
    People with internal Locus of Control realize and tap into the potential of their own worth.

Dear reader, where is your Locus of Control?

Thank you for reading.

© All rights reserved 2021 Indubala Kachhawa



Indubala Kachhawa

Aquarian by design | Storyteller | Poet |Public Speaker. Sketch artist | Mindful every moment |Spiritual.