Long-Distance Relationships and the Pandemic — 7 Tips on How to Flourish

What I have learned over the past year in an LDR.

Ian Vanderlinden


Man and woman sit on bench overlooking beautiful mountain range and lake.
Photo by Andre Furtado from Pexels

I met my girlfriend last May, two months into the Covid 19 lockdowns. I didn’t meet her at a concert or a bar, nor some other social gathering (those had become a big no-no). I met her on Tinder, and in the words of the late Billy Mays, “Wait, there’s more!”

She lives more than 4,000 miles away from me.

Months of Tedium

The infamous year of 2020 came and went like a bullet train, but the passage of time seemed to have slowed to an unbearable pace in the midst of the lockdowns.

In the Spring months, the monotony was rearing its ugly head. I’m sure many of you can relate, as quarantine and boredom go together like PB&J. There are only so many YouTube videos you can watch before your craving for social interaction becomes overbearing.

I don’t know why exactly Tinder was my choice to alleviate that primal need but cut me some slack, I was bored, and it was better than nothing.

Meeting My Person

After a few weeks of using the dating app, I was growing tired of it. The vainness of swiping left or right based purely on appearances was taking its…



Ian Vanderlinden

Lover of stories, listener of rock, and consumer of ramen. An old soul aiming to integrate with modernity.