Look what I did with wine corks

This is so simple and so beautiful!



This image belongs to the Author

The first thing I made was a heart with corks that I’ve been collecting over time when we opened a bottle of wine here at home!

I started by making a cardboard base where I placed the cork stoppers with the help of hot glue.

Then at the end I just put some red pom poms and some Christmas decorations!

This image belongs to the Author

In the second image I have a crown also made of cork stoppers that I made in the same way, only instead of placing the stoppers upright, I placed the stoppers lying down! It was also very cute!

When it comes this time of Christmas I always like to make these beautiful and simple things to decorate the house and to give to the people I love the most!

Do you usually do DIY’s this time of year? Tell me everything in the comments! 💕

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The Creator of "The Stardust Club" Publication. Show me your support @martahenriques46