Looking Back On My 2022

A strangely memorable one

Nischal Maharjan
5 min readJan 23, 2023


Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

I know, I’m late in posting this and we’re well into 2023 but it took a while to find the right words to describe my experiences in 2022.

It was a year of firsts for me. A shy and introverted me from the start of 2022 would be amazed and proud of the things I experienced this year alone.

I don’t where to begin but I learned a lot of things from my experiences this year. So here are a few things I learned from 2022.

Always be yourself

I wouldn’t classify myself as a particularly social person but I always have a feeling in me of wanting to fit in. This feeling always made me try hard and make a fool of myself in the process.

And after years of trying oh so hard to fit into groups I never wanted to be a part of, I started to be myself. I didn’t let my inner loneliness get the better of me. I acted naturally as I would normally act or talk. I was surprised by how many good friends I made and how many people I interacted with.

If in doubt, be yourself.

I started to follow this and started making good friends and deep meaningful connections.

Friendships and Relationships are Very Important

Photo by Chang Duong on Unsplash

Like I said earlier, I’m not particularly a social guy. I prefer spending time with myself. Never really enjoyed spending time with a group of friends or a special someone.

But this year taught me that, you really need a few characters in your life with whom you can go on the journey of life.
Life is a journey of many ups and downs and you can’t enjoy its full beauty without friends.

Without even asking, my friends help me in a lot of ways.

I overthink a lot so sometimes, I just make the thought stuck in my head the topic of our discussion, and helps me put my mind at ease.

Of course, they help me out with other stuff but the best thing I can say about them is they help me with my mental health. They help me maintain my sanity.

Traveling is Beneficial in More Ways Than We Think

Photo by Simon English on Unsplash

I always thought that traveling is something mostly outgoing, extroverted people do because it gives them the thrill but I was wrong.

If you are like me and think that traveling is one big hassle then I’m telling you it’s not.

It may seem like a lot of planning and a lot of work but it’s all part of the fun. Those minor inconveniences are what make the journey that much more exciting.

Traveling with your near and dear ones will always help you mentally. It will help you freshen up your mind, and help you take a back seat from your everyday life.

Health is an Uncompromisable Asset

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

Everyone knows how important one’s health is but very few of us consciously take steps to preserve it. Unfortunately, most of us won’t start taking measures until we feel the effects of our degrading health.

This year has taught me that you can’t mess around with your health. Faced a couple health scares this year which really made me reflect on my actions. And after some sleepless nights, I decided to do more things that keep me healthy.

Go on walks, eat healthily, get proper rest, fix your sleep schedule, and most important take a break from social media.

Start today, start now, it’s never too late to start.

Give your Creative Spirit Some Time (at least try to)

I read a tweet the other day where a person explained how children of rich people mostly pursue creative fields (acting, singing, etc.). It wasn’t to point out how privileged they are but to show that if money wasn’t an entity everyone would pursue some sort of art.

Reading this made me realize that everyone must have a creative side to them that they’ve kept hidden or don’t have the time to express.

I myself love to draw from time to time. It’s not exactly my passion or something I want to be better at rather it helps me unwind. It helps me play my thoughts through and clear all the nagging thoughts I have.

I always feel great afterward.

I’m also started to learn to play guitar. And from a person who’s learning to play his first instrument, I can say that playing any instrument can just help your mental health so much. Like Pablo Picasso said,

“Everyone is an artist when they’re young, the goal is to remain an artist when you grow up”.

Don’t be shy to try/fail/fall

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

This is a very generic point. I’m sure all of us are bored of reading everyone’s breakthrough moment after working their asses off for god knows how long. All the countless hours, sleepless nights, and hopelessness they’ve seen but still kept going.

I don’t have a story like that. I’m just a young man working to reach my goals.

This one, to everyone trying their best, Never Give Up.

You’ve come way too far to give up now. Just hold on for a little longer. Do the extra mile.

And to those who are at starting a new journey.

“Never despise small beginnings because after all flood starts from a single drop of rain.”

Final note…

I really believe that this eventful year that I had was the result of all the boring but necessary things I did all the years before that.
This gives me a sense of belief for the boring years I’m gonna face in my future.



Nischal Maharjan

A lost person writing to find some answers | Overthinker