Self-Improvement | Relationships | Life Lessons

It’s Not About the Damn Cucumber

Looking past the conflict

Kristi Tarrant
Published in
5 min readDec 16, 2020


If you had told me nine months ago that a conflict over a cucumber would provide tremendous growth and reflection in my marriage, I would have laughed. Then moved right along with my overly busy life, which was a distraction from most self-improvement opportunities.

While I’d like to point the finger at the pandemic, the truth is silly arguments between my spouse and I have become all too predictable. When you’ve lived with someone for 16 years (damn, that makes me feel old) and have spent 24/7 together since March 12, 2020 (not that I’m counting) we’re going to clash on a few topics eventually. Ok, maybe more than a few.

We’re self-diagnosed great communicators who can’t seem to communicate with each other. Remarkably, we align on political views, spirituality, financial habits, and work ethic. But we bring baggage, blockages, and bottled resentments to the table with us when we argue. We fall back on our busyness as an excuse not to dig into the real stuff and then project our feelings and emotions through petty disagreements. Hence, cucumbergate.

Origins of Cucumbergate



Kristi Tarrant

Second-time Wifey. Fortune 100 Leader. Blended Fam Mama. Storyteller. Triathlete. Yoga Teacher. I write about: Life | Health | Mindfulness | Self | Leadership