Lost in Cinema

Where Fantasy takes over and reality is lost

James G Brennan
Published in
1 min readJun 22, 2020


A Free Verse Poem

Photo by Angel Origgi on Unsplash

An opening to a world anew,
A world filled with fantastic fantasy
where all can go according to plan
Or all can turn so terribly wrong.

The hero, the villain,
A role we are afraid to take on.

Our fears cast out, our dreams lived,
Experienced for a few brief minutes,
The actor taking our persona
Manipulating a new mould
Within the mind,
Giving a new sense of confidence
Capable of situation control
Otherwise hard to master.

To live out our pain,
We experience it through them, yet feel it not.

Attention falls to those who
Adopt a false sense of a new reality,
Confusion plagues the imagination
Believing the role they have now become.

Captivated, fixated deep within the mind,
Bleeding out the personality unconfident,
Bearing the soul to something they know not.

Suppression of failings,
Confrontation cast aside,
Shed the old skin, embrace the new
The true self-lost in time and space.

Explorations. ( Calming the Storm in a Young Mans Mind ) Fantasy -
Lost in Cinema. 1990.

Thank you for reading. J.



James G Brennan

Writes free to read eclectic free verse poetry. "Everything in life is writable about" Sylvia Plath.