Lost in Daydreams? Simple Strategies to Reclaim the Present

Sowmya Gonepally
Published in
3 min readSep 18, 2024
Photo by Freepik

Have you ever found yourself lost in thoughts while days pass by, only to realize you’ve missed out on the smallest joys?

If you have, you’re not alone.

For the past 3–4 years, I haven’t been very present in the moment. My mind always daydreams. I find myself lost in thoughts most of the time.

Initially, I didn’t realize how big of an issue this is. Now I feel like days are passing by without me actually living them. Sometimes, I forget very important things. I’m not that empathetic anymore. I kinda feel numb. I haven’t thoroughly enjoyed happy moments. I haven’t been very present around my favourite people. Haven’t paid much attention to them while talking. I missed out on the little special moments. Moments that never come back! This started to impact my relationships with them.

This will only get worse if I don’t take any action to stop it.

I’ve decided to stop daydreaming and be more present. Here are the three simple things that I’m doing to be more present in the moment.

  1. Get back to the moment : Once I realize my mind is wandering, I consciously put an effort to bring myself back to the moment. For that, I observe my surroundings and describe what’s around me and what I’m doing at the moment. This will help me process the moment that I’m in and help me to regain focus. Do this for a few times and then it happens naturally.
  2. Name things around you of a particular color : This might sound funny but it’s proving effective. I just randomly pick a color and start naming things around me of that particular color. For instance, if I’m at home working and find myself lost, I randomly choose a color that comes to my mind. Let’s say, brown. Then I look around and name things that are of brown color like door, window, table, t-shirt, cupboard etc. This will make me become more aware of the surroundings and anchor me in the present moment.
  3. Replace virtual things/habits with real ones : Excessive usage of gadgets (Mobile, laptop etc) will make us get detached from the real world. We’ll start living in virtual world to the point where it takes up most part of our day (or even life). To avoid this, I force myself to do things that don’t require gadgets like drawing (not much of an artist myself…yeah but I try), spending time with friends and family, reading books (not an avid reader but I read every now and then), cleaning, walking etc. These tangible activities have helped me to live more in the real world rather than a virtual one or in my thoughts. There are countless other activities one can do like playing board games, cooking, knitting, DIY crafts etc. Over time, these will become our hobbies and even part of our identity! How cool does that sound?

While I’m still learning, these small changes are already helping me feel more connected to the world around me. If you feel lost in your thoughts, these steps might help you reclaim your present.

