Life Lessons

Lost in the Darkness

A tale of despair, hope, and the power of light

Sarah ✨
Published in
3 min readJan 3, 2024


Photo by Simon Berger on Unsplash

As heavy clouds blot out the sun, your walk through the woods becomes dark and treacherous. The light disappears and you can no longer see where you are going. Nor can you find your way back to safety. The woods become a foreboding place, with foes hidden around every corner.

You flinch at every sound. You cringe away from every shadow. Breathing becomes harder and harder as terror starts rising within you. Fear grabs you by the throat. You try to fight, but how can you fight this invisible foe? How can you force the clouds to part and return the light to you? You realize that you cannot.

As this understanding sinks in, you attempt to flee instead. But there is no end to the darkness, and you are unable to find your way out. You try nonetheless. But in the darkness, these woods are deceptive and you are unable to find your footing. Roots trip you up and branches rise as giant shadows to claw at your arms and legs. Your feet stumble, your skin bleeds, your arms flail. And you are still no closer to escaping this darkness.

The heaviness of true exhaustion starts creeping into you. And with it, you recognize that you cannot fight or flee any longer. You no longer have the energy to force your way back to the…



Sarah ✨

Storyteller sharing glimmers of life. With an emphasis on perseverance and hope. Inspired by nature. 🌿