Lost in Time and Lost in Translation: How Official Language and Time are used to Keep the Masses Powerless

1582 and 1611 were the two worst years of my life.

Mark Scofield


Photo by Joshua Olsen on Unsplash

Don’t let the fact that I was born in 1969 deter you from believing the following revelations regarding my life.

Due to the wide and massive influence of both events, I am certain that I was not the only soul affected by these two occurrences. Were these attacks against a majority of the population planned by evil forces? Were they accidental side effects? I cannot tell.

But I can tell you that a majority of the world is worse-off because of the side-effects of these two events. We are more politically impotent. We are more enslaved to an oppressive time-keeping clock. And we are told that these are things that we cannot change. Here, I believe, is the two-pronged attack that doomed the United States of America to become the neofascist wage-slave state that it is today.

1582 and 1611 were the two worst years of my life. That was the double pronged attack against my being that set me off-balance just enough to turn a great many in the western world where I would be born some 350-odd years later against me.



Mark Scofield

Coming out of the shadows. No more pseudonym. Humans are designed to fail. I'm Exhibit A. Often writing semi-fictional history and autobiographical stories.