How Lottery Tickets Give My Marriage Crucial Shared Dreams

How a few dollars a week can buy hours of happiness.

Erin King
Published in
5 min readJun 5, 2020


Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

Twice a week, my husband buys lottery tickets.

It’s something we’ve been doing since we first got together, and it’s oddly important to our marriage.

We’re not counting on the money. We don’t think if we keep buying the tickets, we’ll eventually win. We’re not addicted to the thrill of gambling, it’s nothing like that.

We buy them for the hours of fantasizing and conversation they inspire.

We buy them for the time spent talking about how we’ll fix up the house, what we’ll do, the debt we’ll pay off, and how we’ll save. We buy them for our common daydream.

They create the secret garden we walk through together to take a breather from life.

Photo by Emiel Molenaar on Unsplash

Over the years, it’s evolved into something we always do together and make time for.

On Wednesday and Friday, my husband brings home a few tickets, and we ponder the possibilities.

It never gets old.



Erin King

Writer, musician, toddler wrangler. Author: “How To Be Wise AF”, a 30-day prompted journal-find out more on Amazon. Contact me at