Loud Whispers

Jerome K.
Published in
3 min readJul 11, 2024
Photo by zhang kaiyv on Unsplash

The world is one loud place.

Our recent trip to the big city revealed many things.

For one, the city is one noisy place.

Thousands of cars rushing by. The periodic clunking from the passing trains. Shouting, laughing then, chatting again and again. The endless stream of beeps from cars stuck in the unbearable traffic whose driver’s blood boils deeper every second. The noise in the city cannot be compared.

/Silent /Silent /Silent /Silent /Silent /Silent /Silent /Silent

I come from the province. I do not entirely live in a place where grasslands extends for miles but I have seen them. Where we live, I would say it is one great masterpiece. The place is populated with people but not overflowing. The noise is present but you can still hear the birds chirping. The breeze carries with it the smell of farmlands and cities which feels amazing too.

You can go anywhere here. Whether you want to go the busy heart of the city or find a quiet place to relax, its all here.

This is where I’ve lived for most of my life and its all I could ask for. I would go as far as to say that (when I have decided) to have my own kids, I’d want to raise them on this very ground.

As we crawled on to the capital. The nights would always feel so tiring. Even though I have not gone to a lot of destinations when the sun was shining, I would still feel my whole body aching and mourning to slither to bed.

I yearned to stay in my own “better” place, however the opportunities in the capital are second to none. Going there always made me feel like anything was possible there. You can become whoever you wanted to be.

As I human being, growth is essential to progressing our lives and ultimately, lead a happy one. As such, I decided to move to the capital for a while in order to push myself to the limits despite the horrors that I have to endure.

Day in and day out, life was indeed more tiring at the capital. People moved a lot faster than where I live. I knew I had to grow accustomed to such.

Life at the capital was fast, explosive, and tiring. Time was going past the speed limit. On my stay, I noticed something…

I began noticing.

Why is this crucial to me?

I glanced at the people, the buildings, the stores, the signages and everything else in between. I started to decipher that the noise can be broken down to an individual model.

As we learn to listen to specific things in the environment, life won’t feel as tiring.

You can enjoy your time.

From my visit, I realized the differences of living in different locations. Flying just for a few minutes and you can be already in a different place, with different people, and different culture which are all exciting to dig into.

Photo by Johan Mouchet on Unsplash

As I move on through life, I continue to be reminded that there is a time for everything. A time to enjoy the sweet relaxation of a calming music at a cool environment and to turn the volume knob up to the max.

We only live a certain number of years and picking a home is as important as any other life task. It’s where we may spend our whole lifetime.

Every place has its own unique feature that makes it who it is. All we need to do is to take it in one part at time. With our own unique personalities, there is something for us all at the capital.

Let’s All Appreciate Where We Live.

— Jerome K.

