Love 4 The Win!

Drew Jenkins
Published in
2 min readNov 7, 2022


Choose love…

Photo by Drew Jenkins.

One thing that I’ve discovered over the years, is that even in your darkest hour, love will be there for you. You can be facing hatred or bullying… You may be experiencing discrimination or injustice… You could be the victim of violence… Love will still be there for you. All you need to do is choose it.

Because ultimately, no matter what challenges you face in the world, there is always the next step to take, or path to choose... And when you are presented with that decision, do your best to choose love. Take a moment to evaluate what is the most loving response before moving forward. Sometimes, the choice is love for others, and sometimes the choice is self-love. In either situation, you are guided toward love and away from hate with the decision you make.

The path of our lives is long and winding. We are human and we make mistakes. Recognize that others make mistakes as well and forgive them. Though sometimes it is hard to recognize in this ever-polarizing world, remember that we are all in this together. Choose love for your fellow humans.

You can’t control what other people do, but you can control what you do. Choose love.

If you think the world is beautiful… You are right.

If you think the world is ugly… You are also right.

Choose beauty… Choose love!

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Drew Jenkins

A recently awakened Empath who wants to help other sensitive souls.