Love in Verse

Love Poetry

Lady Foxx


Image Credit: Lady Foxx.

I still love; she said
Even though the prospects
Like then is still slim
Is it madness that makes
One believe; that love
Can conquer all?….
I have seen love soften
Hardened hearts, melt
The coldest gazes
And set alight the darkest
Of paths ever threaded
But only when it’s true
And there never was
An undeclared, secret
Or unrequited love that;
That won battles and
Conquered hate, rather
Such only brought on
The fall of kingdoms
And erasure of dynasties…
So when you say
you love still…?
Pray do tell my dear
Shall that be a light, a
Source of immense strength
Or thy Achilles heel, and
Ultimate undoing…
No! she cried not a
Weakness or frailty in mind!
It shall be a reinforcement
And a beautiful legacy
Of overcoming fear
Breaking through prejudices
Lame boundaries oh!
And what not to do that
Bedevils in love and
Many a maidens heart
Has left bereaved ;
Tearless; and stone — cold
With no intent ever…
To sincerely bellow out or
Even to the cricketers
Whisper a heartfelt
Declaration of a soul
Words; simple and bright
Like stars are to the skies
To once again illuminate
The hearts of every
Listener of its sweet
Utterance; *I love you*.



Lady Foxx

Lawyer and a Poet!| ♡Reading and Travelling| In writing, I understand....