Love Is The Foundation, Love All-Around

A poem on ever-flowing, ever-present love

Ruchi Thalwal


Image by Tarishart from Pixabay

During school times
Walking on the terrace
I’d gaze at the sky
Contemplating who am I?

This vast infinite blue curtain
Dangling above my head
Sparkling with the jewels at night
During the day, shining with its mighty sun

The soothing moon, the countless stars
The moving rockets, the shape-shifting clouds
Would it matter if I am dead?
In this vast universe, where do I stand?

It runs so perfectly with such precision
Nothing falls on the Earth, evaporating its inhabitants
The exact system of each particle
I wonder, how does it function?

Looking at the body,
In awe of its brilliance
Working continuously day and night
Without getting exhausted

The questions were from the start
Giving fuel and kick-started my inner journey
The more I researched, the more avenues open up
The more I delved, the more I know…



Ruchi Thalwal

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