Curated Reads

Love Japan? Then You Need to Read These Amazing Writers Now

From travel, language, culture, to gender, health, and even true crime, these writers cover a dizzying breadth of topics about Japan.

Alvin T.
Published in
5 min readFeb 19, 2022


Chureito Pagoda, with Mount Fuji in the background.
Chureito Pagoda, with Mount Fuji in the background. (Photo by Tianshu Liu on Unsplash)


Mention the country, and a variety of images come to mind: from the ultra-modern neon-overloaded streets to a quieter world filled with ancient temples, shrines, mountains, forests, and hot springs. The Shinkansen “bullet trains” are world-class technology, yet Japanese workplaces continue to use fax machines.

It is perhaps not an exaggeration to say that Japan is a country of paradox, and many people are fascinated by the country. One would imagine this platform to be filled with stories about Japan.

Indeed, I found some popular stories written by people sharing their travel experiences in Japan on this platform. Surprisingly, many of these stories appear to date from before 2017.



Alvin T.

Sociologist-thinker-marketer in Tokyo. Editor of Japonica. Follow to read about life in Japan, modern society, and poignant truths infused with irony.