Love Poems 2021
Another year, another year of love poems
My poems are inspired by the great Sufi masters of the past: Hafiz, Rumi and Khalid. They come to me when I am in love with a person, a place or a moment. In the heartbeat of life, between the joys and the sorrows, there is only the sublime — poetry is but one medium to express it all.
A Kiss
We stopped
In the middle of the road
To lean in
And kiss
Leaving an imprint
On my body
That will always
Bring me
I hold you
Breathing you in
I’m on my tiptoes
It doesn’t matter
What angle
We meet
Of beauty
In a world
Full of chaos
We find stillness
As our
In the Moonlight
God dances in the moonlight with you
In the pool of sorrow you
God asks you to hold his hand
When you hesitate
To see the light
That shines down
From all creation
And forget
That all of this was made for you
Simply to delight in
And in the darkness
You wake up
Remember that the hand you hold
Is Gods hand
That the hand you hold
Is your own hand
Gently guiding you back
Towards the sunrise
Towards another new day
Of love
And light
And magic in the sky
And he gently puts his arms around me
And squeezes me tight
And whispers in my ear
“I love you”
“I love you too” I whisper back
And spun and press my lips into his
And smell his hair
And he grabs my hand and holds it
Walking us home
And at that moment
He declares
“God has a divine plan for all of us”
My lover was feeling so much love
My lover was loving life
My lover was loving us
And she glides
Carried by the gentle
Invisible breeze
Flowing through her wings
Red, hues of orange
Against the great blue sky
Lambs bleat underneath
And she swoops
Her mesmerising being
Traps my attention
In the gift of her existence
Window Sill
Sitting on the window sill
My Beloved kisses me
Tenderly on my
Bare shoulders
Brushes my cheeks
With his scent
Embraces me
With the sound of birds
And the smell of trees
Sitting on the window sill
Wondering where my Lover is
Waiting patiently
To be reunited with his touch
That fills my heart
With the kind of glowing light
That is birthed
From epiphanies
I give you
To lie on top of me
Feel my heartbeat
With your head
Smell my palms
With your tongue
Tickle my lips
With your eyes
I give you
To take a peak
To the girl
Who waits
With a smile
Ready to play
And give big hugs
I give you
To gently hold my hand
As we meet God
For a cup of tea
Wonderful Grief (An Ode to Collapse)
And when the
End is near
We shall dance
In the streets
We shall cover ourselves
With jewellery
Listen to music
That makes us cry
Stare at the sky
Tenderly touch
Each other
Spin in our grief
Our wonderful grief
A grief that brings
Our hearts alive
And I collapse
Onto myself
Into the sadness
That overwhelms me.
Oh my Love
I crave your touch
For the days when you would
Look at me.
Oh my Friend
I lust for our hands
To meet again
Once more.
But I am alone
In this vessel riding
Along uncertain seas.
I know one day
In the not too distant future
You and I will meet again
Just for a moment
Our lips will kiss
Before my boat sets off again.
Where Are You?
And no matter
What I do
My heart
Still aches for you
I wonder where you are
What are you seeing
And I long
For your warm
Embrace again
And in my small
In my soul
That of a child
I wait
For you to reemerge
Back into my life
Oh my Love
Where are you?
I miss you
My Mother and I
My every growing body
Change is inevitable
When I pushed up against the sides
Of now my too small a house
I must do the impossible
And flip
Ready to cross a new threshold
And come out
To see the world
When I am with You
Time stands still
The bees do not buzz
The flowers stop blooming
We gaze eye to eye
Into the mirror of ourselves
In the Garden we sit
Watching the world go by
Just for this moment
You are mine and I am Yours
Just for this moment
We exist
And then the movie projector flickers
Time demands us to march on
We let go
And allow the world to pass
I shall see you in the breeze
I shall see you in every face
I shall see you in my own reflection
I shall see you again
In a Garden of our own
Last year’s love poems here: