Love Story

Irina Patterson
Published in
1 min readNov 18, 2021


A poem about love, or something like that

What took you so long?

Did you have to complete any mission impossible before you could return?

Miss me?

Of course! Why didn’t I think of that?

It seemed a little too obvious to me.

I bet you didn’t though.

You probably had too much on your mind as usual. Huh?

Anywho, I think we could start over. I’d like that.

Do you?

I’m serious.

I think it’s time we just stop this little game of cat and mouse.

What do you mean ‘what game?’

YOU know what I mean!

You were the one who asked me for my phone number. Remember?

I’m sure you do.

Stop laughing! It’s not funny!

What? What did you say?

Oh, that’s sweet.


You’ve always been so difficult to read, I’m glad you finally got your feelings out in the open.

Stop laughing! Please?

…Good. Apparently, you can be serious after all.

I like that.

It’s good to see you smiling like that.

Give me your hand, please.

It’s getting late.

Let’s get going.

. . .

Thank you. You may read my other Vocal stories here.

Originally published at



Irina Patterson

M.D by education -- entertainer by trade. I try to entertain when I talk about anything serious.