Love — The Lens of Awareness

Awakening the True Eye of Cognition!

Jamen Mendes


Nature is no longer a mystery. To our modern mind, Nature is entirely made of forms. We can no longer see its mystical functions.

Art (a Neter) by the Author, using Leonardo.Ai

To the modern man, water is a liquid. Fire is a burning element. Earth is soil, gravel, sand, and dirt. Wind is simply a non-visible storm. And Space is reduced to the blue yonder and the empty sections between planets and stars; nothing more!

The reduction of Nature into minute parts and particles does stop there. Humans, too, have been reduced to races and genders. Animals are species of beasts. And, plants are similarly categorized into divisions and classes.

We’re now completely blind. Our minds have become so cluttered with false ideations and mental forms that we can no longer perceive the functional powers of Nature — the Neteru. We’re stuck in our minds and mired in our senses. Gone from our awareness are the Primal powers inherent to all elements of Nature. Nature has completely lost its luster while its by-products — its forms — have gained prominence in our awareness.

False Notion of Advancement
Yet, we deem modern humans to be the most advanced form of our species. If anyone doubts this fact, we are quick to point out out latest technological marvels — cars, telephones, tall buildings, stock…



Jamen Mendes

Author, Musician, Metaphysician, and Artist. I write about Crypto, Spirituality, Consciousness, Art, and Reality.