Love vs Infatuation: The Hidden Connection

These two words are so different they shouldn’t even be confused together.

4 min readSep 12, 2022


Photo by Caleb Ekeroth on Unsplash

I found it very sad that despite being in so many relationships over the years, I still couldn’t decipher whether I was in love or just infatuated. I googled the difference between the two, but guess what, I still came out clueless and, if possible, more confused than ever. Thus, I took it upon myself to dig into and research the connection between love and infatuation.

Love, infatuation, passion, and lust are all different words that I can use to describe the same feeling. I mean, I had always thought that infatuation was a part of love until I had experienced both of them and realized that these two can't coexist. I realized that both emotions actually differ in terms of intensity and the final outcome. Without final ado, let's hope right into Love vs infatuation, clarified.

The differences between love and infatuation.
  1. Love is more than a physical attraction, while infatuation is mostly a physical attraction: When infatuated, you only get the physical appeal, i.e. you get the racing hearts, sweaty palms, and butterflies, but that's just it. You don't get any emotional connection, but love is the opposite. In love, you get both the physical appeal and the emotional connection. I am sure you have heard people say, “I feel he/she is the one”. That's love.
  2. Love is an intense feeling of deep affection, while infatuation is an intense feeling of passion and admiration: This shows that while both are very intense feelings, they are also different. Love is a feeling of affection, appreciation, warmth, and longing, but infatuation is a feeling of passion, admiration, and obsession. To cut it short, let’s say love is warm-blooded while infatuation is hot-blooded.
  3. Love develops over time while infatuation is instant: Have you ever felt like you are rushing while in a relationship? Like you just met this guy and next thing you are jumping into bed with him, you can't keep him out of your mind; you think about him all the damn time and just can't help but feel overwhelmed? Yep, that my dear, is infatuation. Since passion and physical attraction fuel infatuation, there is no time for slowing down, but in love, you build a connection. Since you want to ensure it lasts, you don't want to rush but rather take things slow.
  4. Love accepts the imperfections while infatuation only sees the perfections: When infatuated, you place your partner on a high pedestal and expect unrealistic things from them. To you, your partner has no flaws and could do nothing wrong, but the moment they deviate from that ideal idea of yours, your infatuation will fade. In infatuation, you aren't in love with the person rather; you are in love with a particular idea of that person. But when in love, you get time to slow down and think; you get to know that although love isn’t perfect; you are ready to fight for it by accepting your partner’s perfections and imperfections.
  5. Love lasts a long time but infatuation is temporary: As I have said before, passion fuels infatuation while understanding fuels love. An infatuated relationship can never last due to a lack of genuine interest and fundamental components like honesty, understanding, and even communication; I mean, all they do is physical so there is no time for an emotional and stable connection between both parties. And when the passion finally dies down, they both decide to separate. Meanwhile, love stems from a genuine interest in someone and your desire to get to know that someone; you don't have unnecessary expectations and are prepared to take it slowly. “You shouldn’t rush something you want to last forever”, — Anonymous.
  6. Love makes a person more sensible, but infatuation makes someone irrational: When infatuated, you aren’t comfortable being yourself. You try to bring yourself down to make the person like you more: you don't think about what you want instead what the other person wants is more important. The need for validation from the other person is great and amidst everything, your self-esteem and worth dwindle. Whereas in love, you get to discover and become the best version of yourself in everywhere. In a relationship, you are supposed to be comfortable not discomforting yourself just to satisfy your partner.


You might have heard of the saying, “Love is blind.” Maybe you have experienced all these signs yourself, or maybe you are just noticing them now. But one question remains, “Is it true that love can exist without infatuation?” Personally, I think that infatuation can lead to love. Think about it and tell me your thoughts below. I would really love to hear your answer.

Or you can reach out to me at incase of any special questions. I would be glad to answer your questions.




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