Now Is The Moment To Move Your Life From Reaction To Evolution

Themes or projects you start in mid-February will be part of your life in 2021

Gregory Reece-Smith


Move Your Life — Azzedine Rouichi, Unsplash

In the coming weeks, evolutionary pressures are strong in every area of your life. The power to shine your own light and refusing to be silenced in your truth should not be underestimated.

This is a moment to walk lightly on Mother Earth, enabling us to be flexible, adaptable, and less destructive. So rather than react to a trigger held in your shadow, you can respond quickly to changing circumstances, being in the flow of life.

Your life no longer being weighed down with care, pessimism, guilt, judgment, and inner conflict. Even though we are surrounded by upheaval and change.

This is what the full moon on 28th January and the month of February are offering us all.

Surrender To The Call To Leave Control Behind

As February began, there were four planets in Aquarius and Venus joined them on the 1st. Aquarius brings the energy of re-structuring, change, and the freedom to explore new directions of thought and possibility.

It also likes to celebrate each person’s uniqueness.

February is a 7 Universal month, a moment where spiritual power and connection is at an all-time high! 2021 itself is a year of massive change, progress, and transformation. As such we will all need to be supported through this new adventure: the business and career moves, the location changes, and the inner transformation.

During this cycle, the ways you may have used previously to solve problems will no longer work. In fact, your defenses could also be your prison. Specifically, any based on the old linear and patriarchal ways.

Hence why letting go is KEY to being successful this month.

What will work?

Opening up to new perspectives, one of which is to a new level of wisdom — Universal and personal at the same moment. Feeling oneness rather than it being an abstract idea!

View the surrender you face as a healthy process of letting down the barriers to the creation of the new 2021 version of your life.

Venus´ involvement from 1st February is to accelerate creativity, to co-create with life.

The move into Aquarius is nudging you to break down limiting barriers and re-write your personal values from money to romance.

Venus calls forth beautiful energy and is asking you to attract what makes you feel your best. For some, this may be better financial standing as this directly affects our self-worth and how we value ourselves.

For others, it may be love and connection more than the material aspects of your life.

Where Is Your Life Heading?

Until 25th February Venus in Aquarius will be nudging you to make adjustments. Ones that truly allow you to express your individuality within your relationships. Making love more accepting and friendship based rather than contractual.

Aquarius is asking you to think of love in a different way. If you give your past conditioning more power than love — which is the way of the ego — then love cannot live in your relationships. Especially with yourself.

For the ego views uniqueness with suspicion. Differences are dangerous!

The ego wants you to change others — i.e. manipulate, threaten, criticize, bully and attack those who differ from the view you have of your life. The very antithesis of love.

The Aquarian age reminds us we are all part of one community even though each of us is unique — which includes our genome sequence. Hence the importance of accepting differences — to be loved unconditionally.

Finances are likely to change very quickly depending on your energy towards your money and how you are generating and managing it. Gains and losses will be fast– which one depending on your beliefs with regard to money.

There are few aspects of life more charged with shadow energy than money. This is because money issues are rarely about money. They are mostly about power, confidence, security, validation, value, fulfillment, and so much more.

All of our beliefs, habits, and patterns about these related issues link to whether we are willing to have an abundance of wealth in all its forms? Which has nothing to do with money per se.

In numerology, the number 7 pertains to deep thinking and philosophy. View the number 7 as a wise sage, or spiritual seeker, who is on a quest for deep and inner knowledge.

Surrender And Allow Your Life To Happen

This is why the energy of February is to slow down, reflecting on your life, asking questions, going within, and taking moments to feel in your direction. To re-orient your focus, and re-evaluate such questions about your life.

Mercury being retrograde from 30th January to 21st February is supporting us to look inward. To seek silence and Nature — very important for the 7 as these allow guidance to be received. The shadow side is to research and become so lost in thought the inspiration, in turn, is lost in the thinking.

Back to surrender and allow life to happen as Mercury asks us to reflect on how we interact and communicate with others.

This includes connection to the Creator and our own support team. Surrender means letting go of the belief you have to be in control of all aspects of your life. Each needs to practice in our own way to connect to silence and so our guidance.

To prioritize your spiritual life. For spiritual power comes from connection.

When being in your spiritual power you will no longer be controlled by your shadow based beliefs such as:

  • Lacking clarity as to your soul´s mission/objectives
  • Being afraid to ask for what you desire
  • Struggling to charge your real worth
  • Feeling guilty for pursuing success
  • Believing others have less if you have more
  • Holding a belief to be wealthy is not spiritual
  • Not generating enough to live the abundant life you desire
  • Being jealous or sad about the success of others.

The path to overwhelm, burnout, and ultimately breakdown is continuing to push through whatever fear and resistance you feel, and compensate.

The only way to grow to your full potential is to dig your roots deeply into the soil of your soul, accessing its dynamic power.

Message From Source

Doing so starts with a daily spiritual practice. I know if I do not then I dip down into the egoic control mindset.

The latest Message from Source indicates the nature of change underway:

Now is the moment to bring your awareness to the front of your forehead, not lost in the depths of your mind. It is here you will be able to gain clarity as to your direction and more insights as to what is emerging for all.

This is not a new phase it is a new beginning. One from which there is already no return, which has always been the case. More so now the very essence of human society is changing. Some may say not for the better of humanity, though the final roll of the dice is some way off. What is already emerging and visible in your news stories indicates how much change has already taken place.

The next move is more one of consolidation. Then it will be possible to make the next leap. One which propels all into a new sense of creation. That will seem to be very exciting as the themes emerge.

Though remember once again, human evolution has never stepped back, though many have tried and failed to do so. Bring forth your own creative energies to assist in the form of what is emerging. There are as yet many avenues to be explored and actions taken to build firm foundations. Remember the old saying: Rome was not built in a day!”

The key to building firm sustainable foundations is to address the causes of our internal conflict. These stem from our unconscious shadows. They manifest as self-sabotage, procrastination, holding us back from taking action, and often appearing as negative, destructive behaviour.

Ending The War Within

Then, because they happen automatically we try harder to hold these parts of us down, fix them, heal them, or just be rid of them. It does not work and never will do so.

All of Creation and so ourselves are made up of both light and shadow. They are a part of us and will always be. Once we accept this and learn how to listen to them, love them, and integrate their power and wisdom again, they stop being our perceived enemies.

Rather they become our greatest allies — unlocking many of the abilities, gifts, powers, talents, and opportunities we had been striving for.

The Cosmos is providing us with space and reflection to truly, deeply love, understand, and support these parts of you. Once you do the barriers are lowered for you to create the new 2021 version of your life.

The pulsating energy stream around the new moon on 11th February is incredibly dynamic for manifesting any upgrade in your life. As the moon will be in Aquarius this means six planetary archetypes seeking to disrupt to bring about change!

The intensity will last for the days on either side of the 11th. In numerology 11 equates to let go of the past and the present. Explore doing so without fear. It also provides support for those whose purpose focuses on creating shifts to communicate it!

Overall, this is the moment to extricate from our programming to move from reaction into evolving.

Then only five days after we shift into the year of the Metal Ox on the 12th, pressure is upped again. Saturn and Uranus have the first of their three squares in 2021.

Please Share To Create 2021

This is the most important transit of the year. Whatever themes or projects you start to develop around this date will be part of your life throughout 2021 As such history will be made during this year-long transit.

As we move toward March´s equinox, the full moon in Virgo on 27th February encourages order and clarity, even in emotions. There will be a need to organise everything chaotic and disorganised!

To help you with your daily spiritual practice. here are some suggestions:

Daily Action:

  • As you are creating connection for the day ahead, ideally the practice is completed before you “start the day”.
  • One effective practice is to sit in silence in Nature or in front of your altar for 5–10 minutes a day. Your altar is simply something you place items on that are meaningful to you.
  • Another is completing a daily energy cleansing whenever you take a bath or shower. Simply take a few moments to breathe deeply and then imagine all of the stress and/or other undesirable emotions or physical feelings being washed away by the water. View all these negative energies flushing down the drain along with the water from your shower or bath. Then, visualise what you desire to replace those energies with.
  • I used to use my walk to and from the railway station to practice mindfulness. There is something about moving that helps to settle our minds so that we can more effectively be present. Ideally, this “silent meditation” is in Nature.
  • When sitting and centred state affirmations such as: “I will flow through this day with ease and grace. Use me to serve for the highest good of all.” Or, “I am open to magical guidance and I am listening.”
  • Meditation. Ideally use a simple meditation technique focused on the breath, followed by pranayama (breath work) and a chakra blessing. Keep it very gentle and mindful.
  • At each end of your day express your gratitude for what is about to transpire or has done.

Your spiritual practice is your power. It will help bring calm, self-care, kindness, and love of others into your life.

Much of my life story has been about internal conflicts in connection to love and support — the heart chakra. You can learn more in this story:

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms, ideally having fun and joy. So please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To Your Life Evolving


Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookPinterestTwitter


Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, creator, speaker, and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organizations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. He helps conscious entrepreneurs and executives integrate Insights and Inner Guidance with proven practical strategies, freeing them to accelerate their business and their life.

Download a copy of his latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life” to begin accelerating your life.

This story was originally published on



Gregory Reece-Smith

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.