Loving to Learn More about Ourselves…

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3 min readMar 25, 2023

No matter how single-minded or “cold” you may be, you will always be curious about how people think about you.

When I was younger, my mom used to assemble us siblings once in a while in a discussion to talk about each other. It consisted of giving our point of view about each one of our siblings including qualities and bad sides to correct ourselves more importantly. However, what she may not have expected is that it was more special, perhaps because of its rarity but certainly more because we all love to have someone talk about us with pure honesty.

Photo by Carrie Borden on Unsplash

How many times did you think of taking an MBTI test? Perhaps how many times did you take it to see whether you changed or not? Remember these videos you’ve watched that had titles such as: Here is how you know your level of intelligence or Take this quiz and see how much of a psychopath you are.

Believe me, in case you find it awkward now… Then we both feel so…

To put it simply, we just like to know things about ourselves, and more, see if others know us well and the way they think about us.

Photo by prottoy hassan on Unsplash

Would you really opt for acquiring such an ability, or more like a superpower, if you were to choose?

Although whenever we wish to know others’ impressions about us we believe it would be such a beneficial thing, it is a double-edged ability. There are probably many people who truly love you, but one bad view is way more impactful because it hurts. We do remember some supposedly awful days and we come to realize later they were trivial, yet they somehow are still engraved in our memories.

Even being conscious of that side, I’d still love to know what others think about me. Well, I tell myself it would be so efficient: You speak with whom you share a sort of compatibility and you are not obliged to fake it with ones who are also faking it. However, all there is to it is a wish, and the main reason behind it is the love to learn things about myself. It is the curiosity all of us have in different degrees that make us wonder about ourselves.

After all, keeping it a wish is only meaningful. That is because it’s only fun when it’s occasional, so I’d let it stay an uncommon thus enthusiastic occasion.

Isn’t it egocentric of us though?

Doesn’t it mean we care about ourselves the most? Isn’t it selfish, egocentric, and egoistic of us to love learning about ourselves the most? Well no. At least that’s what I think.

We have enough reasons for doing so: We are responsible for ourselves, and we are the ones who determine our own attitudes. Learning about our own persona leads us to take efficient and convenient decisions, we correct ourselves, and through that, we learn about others too. Imagine I tell you that for me you’re quite an optimistic person, you seem to lead a happy life. You can’t help but picture some side of me, the kind of mentality that I may have, and so on. You learned something about me, and it’s even more valuable if it’s a close person who’s telling you so.

Therefore, loving to learn about ourselves doesn’t necessarily we prioritize ourselves over everything else. Besides, it is something natural. I am what I am and I’d like to know who I am. I’m mostly responsible for who I am. What’s even more, it’s also natural that if you love someone, you’d be certainly interested in knowing them, you may ignore your own self for that or choose to sacrifice many things to do so.

Thanks for reading. Thanks for clapping too if you think it is worth it!




Bursts of sudden ideas that is. I write about my thoughts, maybe yours too! ;)