
Parul Sharma
Published in
1 min readAug 22, 2020
Photo by Yann Lerjen on Unsplash

You a lucky little boy. A woman said.

Such a big cake. Happy Birthday, Dear, You are so lucky to have a wonderful birthday party like this.

Thank you. The little boy smiled.

When will mum and dad reach home, he asked his nanny.

They will be here soon, let’s go cut the cake. She replied.

I will not cut the cake until they both come. Can you please call them again. He said crying.

They will be here soon, lied his nanny. As no one answered the call.

Mom and dad are never home and they all call me lucky. I don’t want to be lucky. I just want my mum and dad around. He said crying behind the door.



Parul Sharma

Dentist || Numerologist || Fiction Writer 📜 Believes in "quod tandem usque in sempiternum"