Lyme Disease. The Old Monster Is Now In Me

You should stop judging what you are not experiencing

Alicia Domínguez


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There’s this exercise in some writing workshops and coaching programmes where you are asked to think of what you would do if you were told you were to die in six months.

Although this is meant to be a question to get people to prioritise what is really important for them in their present time so they take action and pursue their dreams, this exercise has always put a frown on my face.

I’ve always believed that we cannot know how we would react to a situation until we get to it.

It is like when people ask you what you would do if your other half was unfaithful to you and you say very proudly and almost heroically, “I would leave him/her.” But how can you be so sure? Have you ever been in that situation? Really?

As I was growing up and continued learning about all the intricacies of the human mind, I came to realise that things are a lot more complicated than imagining yourself in a remote situation, despite your levels of empathy.

Similarly, I think the question “What would you do if you knew you were going to die in six months?” follows a similar pattern. It’s only “if” and “when” you experience something like this in your lifetime that you would react in…



Alicia Domínguez

English philologist/ Independent researcher and scholar/ Writer/ Self-Development Mentor through the Gothic-Jungian lens