Image of Niccolò Machiavelli
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Machiavelli on How To Play The Power Game

In 500 years of human development and technological advancement, has anything really changed in how we do business?

Larry G. Maguire
Published in
7 min readApr 17, 2021


Niccolò Machiavelli was a 16th Century Italian philosopher and political commentator, best known for his 1513 work, The Prince. In this infamous work, he outlined guidance on suitable behaviour for royals and aristocrats, which essentially extended to the premise “the ends justify the means”. In other words, rulers’ immoral, cruel and criminal actions are justified if their glory and honour are preserved. Interestingly, some contemporary writers have referred to Machiavelli as the father of modern political philosophy and political science1.

Machiavelli considered the jostling for the power of Italian political leaders of the time as “a matter of fact” to be acknowledged, rather than a measure of one’s morality2. A such, his writings ran counter to the outward teachings of the Christian Church. Rather than resorting to idealistic “imagined republics and principalities” Machiavelli seemed to base his philosophy on “effectual truth.”; he encouraged 16th Century rulers to control their fortune “gloriously” and wield their power despite the upheaval and lawlessness that it may bring about.



Larry G. Maguire

Work Psychologist & lecturer writing on the human relationship with work | Unworking | Future of Work | Leadership | Wellbeing | Performance |