MAGA Crowd, You Don’t Really Care About Black People So Stop Gaslighting Us

Charlie Shivers III
Published in
3 min readSep 6, 2020


Hands high!

Since the murder of George Floyd, “gaslighting” against black people is in full effect. White MAGA followers act as ifthey know more about “being black” than black people do. Gaslighting is nothing new, but multiple high-profile police murders of black people juxtaposed against a Presidential campaign place the MAGA gaslighting machine in overdrive.

Mr. Donald Trump is the ultimate gaslighter if there ever was. His enablers and followers amplify his message of cynicism and contempt towards the black community. Now, I am sure that MAGA followers will interject now and say, “but Trump has done so much for the black community”; “black people spoke at the Republican National Convention”; and “Kanye loves Trump”. These arguments ring extremely hollow, especially set against Mr. Trump’s lack of commitment (and outright hostility, really) to diversity. His cabinet and his selection of federal judges do not even come close to representing this country’s diversity.

As painful as it is to hear Mr. Trump’s conspiracy theories and not-so-subtle racist appeals, his words provide insight into how his MAGA followers think and speak. After Trump spews his conspiracy theories, racist tropes, or whatever “brilliant” ideas come in his head (“i.e. thugs on a plane”), his supporters regurgitate his rhetoric.



Charlie Shivers III

Proud Black Man with a Master of Public Affairs degree from Indiana University. Government Defense Analyst. Critical Thinker. Parent.