Magnus Carlsen: Chess Genius

Lucas Potrykus
Published in
3 min readMay 23, 2023
Photo by Seri on Unsplash

In the realm of chess, there exists a prodigy whose moves dance with the grace of a maestro and whose mind weaves strategies with the precision of a master architect. Ladies and gentlemen, let us dive into the genial world of Magnus Carlsen, the unrivaled (apart from perhaps Kasparov) genius of modern chess!

The Early Spark

Like all great legends, Magnus Carlsen’s journey to chess supremacy began with a flicker of brilliance. Born in Norway in 1990, he was captivated by the game at an early age. At the tender age of five, he played his first chess tournament and quickly ignited the imaginations of those who witnessed his exceptional talent.

A Grandmaster’s Crown

Carlsen’s ascent in the chess world was meteoric. By the age of 13, he had become the youngest grandmaster in history, dazzling spectators with his strategic prowess and seemingly intuitive understanding of the game. With each move, Carlsen forged his path toward chess immortality. However, despite his young age when he first achieved the grandmaster title, he was not the youngest. The youngest grandmaster ever is Abhimanyu Mishra.

The Reigning King

In 2013, Carlsen reached the pinnacle of chess greatness by becoming the World Chess Champion, dethroning the legendary Viswanathan Anand. His reign has been nothing short of extraordinary, showcasing a unique blend of aggression, tenacity, and the ability to thrive under immense pressure.

After Anand came the infamous Sergey Karajakin who fared well but eventually succumbed to Carlsen’s ability. Then, in 2018, Carlsen faced the genius Fabiano Caruana. And it took Carlsen a very long time to overcome the pressure of the American Super Grandmaster. In 2021, Carlsen faced Ian Nepomniatchi who was completely destroyed by Carlsen after an extremely legendary game 6. Since then, Carlsen has abdicated his titel as world champion — recently Ding Liren was crowned after beating Ian Nepomniatchi. At the moment, the only way Carlsen will ever return to the World Championship is if Alireza Firouzja steps up to the task.

Photo by Felix Mittermeier on Unsplash

A Style of his Own

Carlsen’s playing style is a captivating fusion of creativity and calculation. He possesses an uncanny ability to envision the game’s possibilities, often outmaneuvering opponents with unexpected moves. Carlsen’s strategic depth combined with his relentless pursuit of victory make him a formidable force on the board. Not to mention CArlsen’s computer-like endgames.

Mind Games and Intuition

What sets Carlsen apart from his contemporaries is his unparalleled intuition. He possesses an innate sense of the game, often making decisions that baffle even the greatest chess minds. Carlsen’s unwavering confidence and ability to trust his gut instincts have repeatedly led to stunning victories. As we know from the world championships, Carlsen has incredible endurance, allowing him to last hours…

Beyond Chess

While chess is Carlsen’s passion, he is not confined to its realm. He possesses a wide range of interests, including football, skiing, and even modeling. Carlsen’s magnetic personality and charisma have transcended the chessboard, making him a beloved figure both within and outside the chess community. Recently, Carlsen has also become intrigued by the card game ‘Poker’.

Photo by Keenan Constance on Unsplash

