Make Failure Feel Like a Game

The Secret to Enjoying Failure

4 min readJul 9, 2024


“Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal — a commitment to excellence — that will enable you to attain the success you seek.” — Mario Andretti

Find the failure that feels interesting if you wish to succeed.

By now, everyone is well aware that success cannot be achieved without failure. Most people fail as they either get weary of failing before those failures pay off or they are unwilling to fail, between where they now are and where they want to end up.

But this is not recent news; so what is the value? The best thing you can do is find a method to make that insurmountable failure enjoyable since, as you know, you have to fail at some time to achieve.

Change Your Frame of Mind

Refining your view of failure will help you to find enjoyment in it. This is a vital point since our perspective influences how we perceive the world. It won’t seem so bad if you stop seeing failure through this filter of something you have to hide and be embarrassed by and instead embrace it as a symbol of development. Every time you fail, for instance, consider it as gathering useful information to enable you to improve your strategy.

That is essentially what it all comes down to. Someone else might recognise the same failure as an opportunity to try something different, while someone another would view it as a tragedy; hence, two quite different results will result from two quite distinct frames of mind. Those who view failure as a stepping stone towards achievement are more likely to keep on and finally achieve. This change of perspective will help you to approach obstacles on your path differently.

Changing your viewpoint also calls for ongoing reinforcement. Surround yourself with encouraging individuals, success stories, and inspirational say-ons. This will keep you driven to keep on and assist you in viewing failure from a healthy standpoint.

Make Sure That You’re Doing Something You Love

Just making sure that what you’re failing at is something you enjoy doing can help you to make failure appear pleasurable and, most importantly, sustainable. Motivation drives resilience. Setbacks are considered as part of the journey rather than challenges when you are driven about what you do. This love drives you forward even in trying circumstances.

Failing at something you hate will never turn around to be a benefit. It simply confirms your hatred of the already bad circumstances and adds to their weight. Conversely, when you fail at something you enjoy, the process of conquering obstacles turns into an interesting and rewarding activity. You come to value the trip — with all its ups and downs.

Your very simple answer to this is to simply follow your passion; failure will start to enjoyably accompany the process. Every setback feels like a step forward, a lesson discovered, and a chance to grow when you are involved in pursuits that appeal to your interests and passions.

Actionable Next Steps

Start little to modify your frame of view. Start by assuming a few risks with a great probability of failing. These little mistakes will enable you to develop resilience and learn from them how you handle challenges. Slowly raise the dangers you expose over time. This will enable you to develop confidence and a good view of mistakes.

If you suffer from public speaking, for example, start by presenting to a small gathering of friends. As you grow more at ease, widen your audience. Every little step will help the failing process to feel less threatening and more controllable.

Ask yourself whether you would do what you are now doing if it were the only thing you could do for the rest of your life to be sure you are doing something you love. This question helps you sort out your actual interests and passions. Should the response be negative, it is time for some improvement. Seek employment and hobbies that really thrill you and fit your ideals.

Start by looking at several interests and activities. Engage in creative interests, go to training sessions, and read a lot about topics that appeal to you. You will find eventually what really speaks to you and be able to concentrate your efforts on those areas.


These two activities will help you to make failure interesting.

  1. Change your viewpoint on failure so that it is a stepping stone towards success. Accept it as a chance for development and a component of your educational process.
  2. Make sure your activity is one you enjoy. Seek out activities that really thrill you and fit your hobbies. When you’re working on something you enjoy, failing starts to seem like a fun side trip.

Effective use of these two techniques will help failure to become an exciting aspect of the process. In your activities, you will be more tenacious, driven, and finally more successful.

Thanks for reading this article. You can reach my journey here on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Threads.




Content Creator & Entrepreneur | CEO of NXT LVL Studios & Ace Digital | Co-founder of Raze AI & CreatorKits