Make Money Writing eBooks No Publishing!

You Do Not Need To Publish In Order To Profit!

Deon Christie


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The image was designed with Canva by Deon Christie. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

What Will You Learn From This Article?

Find A Problem And Provide A Solution.

Choosing The Right Affiliate Products.

Product And eBook Must Solve The Same Problem.

How To Write Your eBook Without Any Fancy Tools.

The Importance of Your eBook Cover.

Make Money With Your eBook Without Publishing.

Finding A Problem And Provide A Solution.

Prepare yourself for a lot of research, reading a lot of articles on similar subjects within your niche. And commenting quite a bit on authority sites. Those are the places you find the kind of solutions people are looking for.

You will be amazed at how “quickly” these simple exercises will provide you with oceans of ideas. At times it will feel like you’re bursting at the seams with ideas!

I have mentioned this in several of my articles, and I’ll say it again because it is the cornerstone of success with any content. In my opinion and experience anyway. People are mostly searching the internet for.

Solutions To Problems.

Answers To Questions.

Guides To Achieve Goals.

Free Stuff.

We all like free stuff, and this is why this particular (eBook) content marketing strategy with affiliate marketing is so effective and profitable. But your eBook must contain unique solutions and guides.

Meaning, the result of your own personal testing and research. Always remember that digital marketing is merely the ability to “turn knowledge into digitally accessible content or products”.

With this strategy, you will write and design free eBooks with solutions, answers, and (illustrated) guides. Then, you will be giving them away (after months of research and testing) for free.

Choosing The Right Affiliate Products.

Choosing the right affiliate product, (because you will later see where to add it in your eBook) is about a lot more than just choosing a random product. You will just be hoping for a sale.

Once you find an affiliate product that you are convinced will solve your audience’s problems. You must purchase and test that affiliate product. Because product knowledge is just as important as useful content.

After all, if you are not prepared to purchase and test the affiliate offer. Then how can you expect your audience to do so? If they do purchase and approach you with a question. What will you say without product knowledge?

Focus on proven affiliate products related to the need, that has been around for a couple of years. The quality of your affiliate offer counts more than you know. Later you will see the importance, there is an end goal to this whole strategy.

Preferably, the affiliate offer should also redirect to a hosted domain. It lessens the chances of the affiliate product just “disappearing”. No professional marketer wants their domains to expire.

These kinds of affiliate offers will usually be around for years. That is why you must focus on only a few of those. Or even just focus on a single product at a time.

An effective content marketing strategy for affiliate marketing is to focus on a single affiliate offer for every different content marketing strategy. It means you will be testing quite a lot of affiliate products.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Always ensure that the offer you plan to test and promote comes with a full money-back guarantee. Not all that glitters is gold, be sure you can get your money back before your test.

With that, you also provide your buyer with what we call a “safety net”. Reassuring them that they can get their money back, in case it is not what they have been looking for

Product And eBook Must Solve The Same Problem.

The content in your eBook guide or solution must solve the same problem that your affiliate product does. Let’s say your eBook guide is about “getting traffic”, then a “traffic training program” might be a good choice for an affiliate product.

But the solution you offer with your eBook must solve the problem, whether your reader decides to purchase or not. Your goal is to solve a problem and get your reader’s trust.

As I have, you may choose to write eBooks on content marketing strategies for affiliate marketing sales. But “making money online” is one of the most competitive niches. It takes a lot of work to stand out from a frighteningly large crowd!

When your solution or guide you offer with your illustrated eBook works for your reader. They will be much more curious about the affiliate product; this is normally when your sale happens.

It’s all about trust and knowing what you’re talking about. This is why product knowledge forms such an important part.

How To Write Your eBook Without Any Fancy Tools.

The kind of eBook I write for this particular content marketing strategy is done 100% free. All you need is Microsoft and Canva, both free tools. Along with that is just a basic knowledge of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and PDF files.

Canva makes it really easy to create images, book covers, social posts, videos, websites, and SO much more. You can choose to use it free, or as I have, upgrade to pro. Totally worth it, the best $12.95 I spend each month!

There are thousands of videos on YouTube that will show you how to use Word, PowerPoint, and Canva designs. There are a lot of really awesome tools to use and create stunning eBooks.

Your eBook must include the following. Book Cover, Header, Footer, Note To The Reader, Author Introduction, Table Of Contents, Disclaimer, And Terms Of Use Agreement.

The “header” area is where you include the author name and eBook title, while your affiliate product is included in the eBook “footer”.

An example of a “note to the reader” might be something to the ring.


This eBook is a guide and serves as a first guide. In addition, please get additional expert traffic driving advice.

This eBook is based on web-traffic techniques and methods researched and tested by the Author.

The analytic demonstrations are real, and nothing is manufactured.

This eBook content and illustrations are primarily of a tutorial and guidance nature.

Microsoft Word or PowerPoint will provide you with tools like colour blocks highlighting certain content for instance. There are so many tools to make your eBook look really professional.

You may want to research your options for the “Disclaimer And Terms Of Use Agreement” part of your tutorial eBook. For that, you can simply search your browser. Or again choose to use YouTube.

The disclaimer and terms of use agreement should be included at the end of your eBook. Your eBook must start off with the Book Cover, Header, Footer, Note To The Reader, and Author Introduction.

Once your eBook is completed in Microsoft Word or PowerPoint, you simply save it as a PDF file. Now your eBook will be ready to start spreading the free copies.

The Importance Of Your eBook Cover.

In my opinion, show your name, your real name on the eBook cover. Perhaps mention similar eBooks written by the same author. The more your name travels the internet, the more people will be interested in your free eBook.

But, these eBooks serve the purpose of providing solutions, answers, and guides. I suggest that the eBook cover shows what the eBook is about. In a curious kind of way.

As illustrated below “A Unique Content Marketing Strategy For Unlimited Free Targeted Traffic To Any URL!”. Tell your potential reader, and probable buyer exactly what the eBook is about.

Your eBook cover is the “first impression” and with that too, I start to sound like a “broken record”. But it doesn’t change the fact that it is so, your first impression determines whether your eBook will be read.

Mentioning your name builds recognition and trust in the long run. Because if you are as professional as you claim, then your name should be indexed with a lot of your content in search engines.

Mentioning other related ebooks by the same author might spark a memory, Someone may have already benefitted from the particular eBook, and would be curious what the “other one” is all about.

It is a collection of ideas and strategies all rolled into one single purpose. Offering solutions that work and getting interested buyers to your affiliate products.

Creating curiosity with your eBook cover, by simply unlocking the artist inside you. Your artist is there, find it, and you will be amazed at what you can come up with in Canva.

Please bear in mind that with this article I am trying my best to summarize the content marketing strategy and cover the basics. You may have to search your browser and YouTube to get more info on some topics and steps in the article.

The image was designed with Canva by Deon Christie. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

How To Make Money Without Publishing.

The eBook cover illustration shown in this article above is of an eBook that started the idea, and grew into “Spaces Q Advisor”. Like a sequel to “Spaces Q Advisor”.

Spaces Q Advisor, by the way, is also the eBook I am giving away for free. “How To Get 3.8 Million Content Views!” is the topic of Spaces Q Advisor.

Both these eBooks have the exact same affiliate offer included in the eBook footer. I write several eBooks on content marketing strategies, these two are merely the “cream of the crop” as it stands.

Trust me when I say. I lost count of how many ebooks I wrote before “cracking the code”. Understanding the logic of anything is quite important.

As mentioned above, below you will find the article offering access to a free copy of “Spaces Q Advisor”, how to get 3.8 Million content views for free!

But these eBooks also solve the exact same problem, getting more buyer traffic. As does the affiliate marketing traffic driving training program included as the affiliate offer (in the footer).

Getting your free eBook offer visible without publishing is done by using social media, and Medium posts. Or you can choose to use Spring (Formerly TeeSpring) where you can upload your PDF documents.

With Spring, however, you can sell your PDF eBooks with guides and solutions. They handle all the technicalities; you just get notified (by email) of your earnings being transferred to your PayPal account.

The image was designed with Canva by Deon Christie. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

Creating social posts where you offer your eBook for free. Again, use Canva for your designs. You can even choose to change the eBook cover image size to a Facebook post image dimension. As illustrated above.

Use only attention-grabbing posts by targeting the important bits, without trying to sell anything. You are offering solutions, not trying to generate sales. It is a sequential content marketing strategy.

Interested parties will then comment on your image with the free giveaway, and via private message on Facebook, you can attach a copy of your free eBook.

You may choose to write a Medium post and offer your free eBook as I have. Offer the eBook as a free giveaway to gain followers and subscribers, then use their email from your Medium list to mail their free copies.

You can share the Facebook offer image on just about all major social networks. The image should display just fine, as long as you stay within Canva’s borders.

But also create your own Facebook Pages and Groups to share your free eBook giveaway. When your solutions work as claimed, your pages and groups will grow rather fast.

Invite people to comment to get a free copy, you never share links in these eBook promotional social media posts. People that comment and want your eBook are often people prepared to spend some money.

This is why your eBook strategy must deliver results, without them having to pay a single dime. They will not mind rigging out a few bucks to get to learn more.

Are you ready to find out how you can rank your video on the first page of Google and YouTube? Are you ready to get a ton of targeted visitors? Imagine millions of people going to Google and YouTube to search for your solution! — Source

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Some of the links in this post are links to affiliate offers. If you visit them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is entirely up to you. All offers come with a full money-back guarantee!

Free Stuff For My Medium Subscribers.

All new subscribers on Medium will receive 4 free gifts. 2 of my top traffic eBooks, and 2 free memberships (invitation only) for buyer traffic tools I use. Subscribe to me (Deon Christie) on Medium and your free stuff will be emailed to you asap. Medium has no affiliation, nor do they endorse the free giveaway in any way. It is my personal free giveaway to all new Medium subscribers.



Deon Christie

Article Writing SEO For Affiliate Marketing | Free Buyer Traffic Methods. On Medium Since October 2022. Online Since 2011.