Make More Money

My plan!

Suvadeep Paul


God, I was waiting for this day.

I wanted to write this blog for a long time.

2 freakin’ years, I had to literally wait for 2 years, to write this one.

But leave that past behind. I can finally write this piece.

How I am planning to start making more money from here.

Ok but, but, but…

For those of you who don’t know, I am recently eligible to make money from MPP.

I joined this space 2 years ago, since then I only made $15 dollars from affiliate sales. As I am from India, I wasn’t eligible to make a penny from here.

But as I fell in love with writing, I stayed instead of quitting.

Also the reason I didn’t is because I was fed up with quitting everything I took.

So after showing up here daily for 2 years I can finally make some bucks.

2days ago I made my first $1 here.

But obviously that $1 is nothing and I have to scale.

For that I have been watching YT videos for some times now.

This is how I am planning to make more bucks from here:

  • Post more longer blogs from now on. At least over 3minute read.

