A Simple Choice to Improve Your Life

In the age of information, ignorance is a choice. — Donald Miller

Sufyan Maan, M.Eng


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I have been rejected many times.

I have failed countless interviews.

I have failed at many startups.

But none of those failures define me. They are merely stepping stones on my journey. Yet, they’re not the focus of the simple choice I want to discuss today.

Let’s talk about what you truly want.

How strong is your desire to achieve it?

Would you keep going if money were not a factor?

Would you still pursue it if you knew you could never make a dime from it?

What Drives You

I want to encourage everyone — especially young people — to rethink their motivations.

If your only goal is to make money, know this: there are countless ways to achieve financial success, but creativity is rarely one of them.

If making money is your only purpose, don’t jump into entrepreneurship. I made that mistake and paid the price.

Back in 2016, I started a taxi business.

My main focus?

— Making money.



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