Your Love For Photography Deserves Take-Home Pay

Agu Sergius Alex, MD ✨


Photo by Javier Esteban on Unsplash

Are you looking for an easy way to make some extra cash?

Updated 1 January 2024

You should check out Unsplash, the popular stock photo website where over 80% of Medium writers get their pictures. My rough estimate though.

Unsplash is a community-driven platform where photographers can share their high-quality images for free.

However, did you know that Unsplash also offers a paid program for photographers? By contributing to Unsplash’s paid program, photographers can earn money for their work. Well, even if you do not go by the title but have your efficient camera you can as well sign up and make some additional income.

Here’s how it works:

When you upload your photos to Unsplash, you have the option to submit them to the paid program. If your photo is selected for the program, you’ll receive a share of the revenue generated by Unsplash’s subscription program.

From what I have gathered, the Unsplash program is not like the Medium partner’s program, it has a one off payment between $5 to $30 for each of your accepted submission. For example, For example, if the brief price is USD 10 per image and Unsplash accepts 50…



Agu Sergius Alex, MD ✨

Public Health Advocate Doctor| Health Content Creator | Sharing Practical Health Advice. Editor of Alive & Well, Private Curator & The Chapter