Making The Big Bucks On Medium

Can it be done — and how do you do it?

William Mersey


Photo by Alexander Mils from Pexels

Everybody's dying to know the secret formula that will enable us to make some real money on this platform. So hypnotized by that prospect are we that several big earners here have made a lot of their cash by simply advising the rest of us on exactly how to ascend the slush pile of articles submitted for publication.

I am certainly not that success story. But with a lot of work and publishing two to three stories per day, I’ve managed to enter the elite group of triple-figure monthly earners for three consecutive months. And as I understand it, that would put me in the top 5% of writers — at least earningswise.

So maybe I am qualified to advise on the subject after all. Probably not. But regardless, I have read numerous articles on how to make the big bucks, and written several of my own.

Maybe there’s something in the following embeds that might help somebody. It’s worth a shot. Granted, my observations are a little alt at times. But maybe that’s a good thing — as you won’t find them anywhere else from all the mainstreamers who have succeeded here.



William Mersey

Daily Beast, NY Daily News, Daily Mail, Independent contributor. "In all matters of principle, it's the principle that matters." Just call me "Dollar Bill."