Making the Big Switch

Ojita Mishra
Published in
5 min readNov 18, 2020
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I’m pretty sure, you all must have felt the heat and that societal pressure of being in trend with the latest –technology, fashion trends, video trends with the most recently launched song, the latest of everything. The more ‘latest’ we are the ‘trendier’ we are — a most common notion.

I have fallen for the same pressure. It wasn’t long when I felt the pressure be the trendiest ‘newlywed’, then the pressure went from being ‘the trendiest newlywed’ to being ‘the trendiest newly homemaker’; and as these trends kept on changing I realized that this place that I am trying to fit into is all so hollow and baseless. I am trying to compete with people who I think are thinking about me not being trendy. When the actual truth is that they are all so busy and occupied in being trendy themselves that they do not find time to think about me at all. They might have a passing thought about me but I’m sure nothing beyond that.

We all have come across one of the most popular sayings — ‘you are in competition with no one but yourself’. It is just in the recent past that I have really understood the meaning of this saying and started to implement it in my life.

We only feel the pressure about being inclusive in our groups of — families, friends, co-workers, social media followers, because we somehow allow our insecurities to overpower our true inner self. Because of our insecurities, we take the cover of the trendiest fashion and technology and expensive brands to help us feel belonged to the group. If I have worn the branded clothes my family would know that I have a royal taste in clothes. If I have the latest phone, they would know that I know about the market trend. But in all, it is only ourselves who we are fooling.

All said and done, I am not immune to these societal pressures but surely I have overgrown a few and only purchase things which are really meant to be of use to me. The main reason that I started with this article is that I was in the biggest dilemma of my life. I bet I haven’t even thought so much for marrying my husband. The dilemma is, am I ready to make the biggest switch from Android to iOS? It might sound a bit overrated to many individuals, but to the people of my generation — the Gen Y, this is a huge and worrisome topic. I will try to jot down a few of the factors which have caused me to think about the big switch and the reasons why I feel I shouldn’t, hoping that these are a few among the variety of factors that many other android users like me are facing.

1. Why in 2020?

I have been an android user my whole life and was quite content with it so far. With the release of each Apple Phone every year I did feel the attraction and the pressure, but it lasted only for a few days and I eventually overcame it. But this year has been different. With the pandemic, we all have become more health-oriented. We have started to work out more, began to choose healthier habits for ourselves and our families, have started to spend more quality time with our families and realized that at the end of the day, it's our family and the safety of our loved ones that matter the most. I wanted my workout to count and there were healthy competitions available virtually to compete with individuals. My android watch sucked at counting my efforts. I used my husband’s Apple watch for few days, and I had my mind blown with the quality of the activities which it noted, the battery support that is provided and the ease of use. All those lacked in my android watch. So, I had my number 1 reason to switch.

2. Why the delay and the dilemma?

I have recently bought an android device 2 years ago which was the latest and the high-end model of that time. It has absolutely no issues in it at all. None of its functions lacks or slow down or it doesn’t even have battery issues. It is so perfect that it doesn’t even have a single scratch in it. I am unable to justify the need to make the switch.

3. Do I feel restricted?

The biggest issue that I feel with Apple is that they have a strong marketing web created to sell out their newly launched products. The chargers being removed at the exact same time when the Magsafe chargers are launched, the headphone jacks being removed when the Airpods have been launched. If I don’t wish to buy all these products, I do not have an option not to invest my money. Eventually, I will have to invest money in all these, which kind of feels like superimposed choices to me.

4. Do I feel societal pressure?

Honestly, I have overgrown these thoughts of what will people think of me if I do not have the trendiest of technology or the trendiest of clothes. The bottom line that I feel is that it is my money that is being invested in all the materialistic things and if anyone should have an opinion about it then it's only me. So, no I do not feel the societal pressure. I have left that job to the other members of society to be the trendsetters.


Having all that said, yes, I am making the big switch of my life — switching from Android to iOS. The main reason is that I wouldn’t find a better android tracker that will track my daily activities with the accuracy that the Apple watch does. Let’s see what’s in store for me.

I hope this article will help you overcome at least a few of the factors which have absolutely no importance in the decisions that you make and help you clear out the confusion of making the switch if at all you have it.

