Man Reads “Men Who Hate Women” by Laura Bates

A review (by someone from the manosphere) of a book (about the manosphere)

Michael Chief
Published in
7 min readApr 11, 2024


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Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

When I was a young teenager a long, long time ago, I became indoctrinated into the online “seduction community” of pickup artists (or PUAs). I was a lonely and depressed kid with a lot of love to give but was only ever met with soul-crushing rejection time and time again before that community helped me.

I believe that my discovery of online content which helped me become more attractive to women literally saved my life. I didn’t have reliable access to mental healthcare (Amurka), and it wouldn’t have helped anyway; the rare instances when mental health counselors and psychiatrists had the chance to assess me, I could never get past the shame to admit that my depression stemmed from a lack of feminine affection. Pickup artistry was the saving grace that helped me heal.

This was a time before “incels” or whatever different-colored “pills” started popping up and creating the collective manosphere as we know it today.



Michael Chief

Dating Coach and author of Never Lonely: The Uncensored Guide on How to Attract and Be Loved by Women