Management Bug

Eduardo Espinheira
Published in
3 min readAug 25, 2021


By definition, project quality in project management refers to the processes and activities that determine quality policies, objectives, and responsibilities so that the project will satisfy the needs for which it was created. (1) When the project quality is unrealistic, all hell can break loose.

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Project quality is the standards the project will be required to meet to be successful. (2) A project is said to be meeting its quality expectations when all the project requirements agreed with the customer along the project are met. Thus the resulting product or service is useful as expected. (3)

While defining project quality, it is important to meet the customer’s needs while not “gold plating” the deliverables with expensive features that add little or no value to the customer. Avoiding this project is more close to realistic project quality. Exceeding the minimum requirements is important, so the customer is satisfied. However, this must be done so that exceeding the project requirements adds value to the customer and not adding features that won’t benefit them. (4)

When the quality of a project isn’t realistic, the project will suffer some important impacts, like:
- Delay in the delivery
- Customer dissatisfaction
- Increase in the cost (5)
- Damaged Trust
- Damaged Morale (7)
- Poor performance (8)



Eduardo Espinheira

Eduardo Espinheira is a Consultant, Facilitator, Manager, Public Speaker, Creator of the Management Bugs&Fixes and the Machiavellian PM Stories