Management Fix

Material redundancy implementation

Eduardo Espinheira


Redundancy is exceeding what is normal. However, it can be used more specifically and refers to duplicate materials used to prevent or recover from the failure of a specific material. (1)

Image by the Author: © 2021 HumanMngt, All rights reserved

Redundancy provides extra reliability to products and systems. It helps prevention of the decline in performance. The importance of redundancy increases, even more, when the system or product performs a critical, sensitive, and complicated task. (2)

Business continuity, disaster recovery, and operations management are three common phrases used when talking about redundancy. It is paramount to assess and understand your required level of redundancy to maintain availability and functionality.

One of the most relatable considerations when talking about redundancy is single points of failure. While every effort should be made to minimize single points of failure, sometimes they persist.

Where you can’t mitigate this, you need to be aware of where your single points of failure exist and ensure that the required maintenance and monitoring are in place to minimize the risk of failures.

With the material redundancy implementation, it’s possible to:
- Avoid Points of Failure;
- Ensure Maintenance;
- Avoid Mechanical and Electrical Dependencies;
- Increase…



Eduardo Espinheira

Eduardo Espinheira is a Consultant, Facilitator, Manager, Public Speaker, Creator of the Management Bugs&Fixes and the Machiavellian PM Stories