Management Fix

Eduardo Espinheira
Published in
2 min readMay 12, 2021


Technical requirements are the factors required to deliver a desired function or behavior from a system to satisfy a user’s standards and needs. (1)

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These are aspects such as performance, reliability, and availability that you must meet to proceed. In projects, technical requirements typically add quality criteria. (2)

A technical requirement document empowers the team to come to a mutual understanding of what is required, technically, to make your project or product a success. Technical requirement documents will also provide information that will help you:
- Determine a more detailed budget.
- Leverage your work breakdown schedule.
- Help develop a more realistic project Gantt Chart.
- Add risk-management aspects. (3)

By defining your technical requirements clearly, there’s no room for confusion or doubt, and by doing that:
- It allows seeing your goal as a client more clearly.
- The whole team which works on a particular project can use the documentation as a reference to understand how features should work.
- The Project Manager will be able to facilitate features definition.
- Quality Assurance engineers can test an application following the documentation.
- Features are specified in the document and can’t be lost or forgotten.
- A technical requirement…



Eduardo Espinheira

Eduardo Espinheira is a Consultant, Facilitator, Manager, Public Speaker, Creator of the Management Bugs&Fixes and the Machiavellian PM Stories