Managing the Mental Wellness Crisis

Dads’ Survival Guide: Physicality — Our Health

Dave Smith


Photo courtesy of Anh Nguyen on Unsplash

Emotional well-being is a thing.

This is news to us Dads.

We’re attentive to the health of our bodies. Fitness. The impact of good workouts. Hoops. Tennis. Biking. Running. Lifting. Any means of raising the heart rate to keep us in shape.

Dads understand proper diets. Less sweets and salty snacks. Limitations on red meat. And red wine. Keeping the carbs and fat intake under control. Because the days of unending pizza and beers are over.

While mindful of one’s physical health, Dads are mostly oblivious to mental health. Emotional wellness. The symptoms. Key indicators. Or root causes.

Mental and emotional afflictions are all around us. Anxiety. Burnout. Depression. Loneliness. Manifesting in bouts of paranoia. Obsessive-compulsive behavior. Psychosis. Mood swings. Post-traumatic stress. Eating disorders. Substance abuse. Or worse.

Dads may never be experts on mental illnesses. Yet, we can’t be ignorant, either. Because the suffering people experience is real. Painful. Debilitating. And more common today than ever. Among co-workers. Loved ones. Other Dads.

And ourselves.

Good Will Hunting



Dave Smith

Leadership Coach, Advisor, Dad of four, Novelist.