Manifestation of Un-manifested reality

Reality we live is the unrealistic form of unformed existence~

Only_Passion Drives
4 min readAug 10, 2023


We live in the reality of the physical world, which looks so real, so creative, so lovely, so colorful, and so vivid. But there is deeper in the realm of the inner world; we have infinite creativity, unconditional reality, infinite color, and so vivid perceptions reside, that whatever you can imagine and out of imagination- is seen in the inner world.

Photo by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash

What is the meaning of the Inner World?

The reality we perceive is driven by the outer senses and the activity we involve in routine. But, if we go deeper into the realm of inside us, we found that there is another body that is very subtle and powerful than the outer body and outer world. As we dive into the inner world, we have more raw information about the realm of the inner world. By doing some breathing practices, and by sitting simply silent-you would get a glimpse of the inner world (also called Un-manifested reality). There is a bridge between the outer world which is a manifestation of the un-manifested, and the inner world which is pure consciousness.

The word consciousness is quite often heard in many places by you is not definable, because the consciousness is an un-content reality that is way beyond expressiveness. Un-manifested means pure consciousness without anything or without any form. As the space occupied by our mind that allows taking forms into vivid things out of nothing is called manifested reality. But, if I say there is no material or nothing at a deeper level of consciousness!!! You may say I am totally wrong. All we can see, touch, and feel- are made out of atoms, and if we go inside the atoms – we have mostly empty space inside atoms. then we go inside the atoms; there are quarts at the quantum level. Quarts are mostly made of space and some vibration and frequency at the center. If we go inside the quarts there are also some particles made of 90% space or nothing and at the center there is some frequency and vibration energy.

Our current physics only allows us to observe at a certain level of quantum particles. But it is clearly seen; there is a factle pattern in the materialistic world. But the mind creates a bigger mess out of our perception. Whatever we refer to in this world is merely the illusion of our own mind. Only the difference is we unconsciously create our own reality rather than consciously. Our subconscious mind very actively creates all we can see and perceive in this world.

How to consciously create our own reality?

Once we dive into the inner world by drawing attention from space and time, and things we have occupied by mind past and future.

Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash

We are always occupied by the mind, there are some techniques that will take you to the present moment, which is free from past and future or thoughts. i.e. — by paying attention to breathing- you will get the shadow of the inner being which is very subtle and silent, full of vibration and energy which is connected to everything in the universe. There is no space without it! All are filled with this vibration, but due to our own negligence and mind, we always keep busy in the outer world. By observing breathing or life force, we could draw attention from the world and thoughts, as we inhale all the attention pay to the breathing of inhalation, just like whole you go inside, the body which is pure energy- and touch the navel center, rise the pranic energy and when you exhale- the energy is multiplied thousands times-and more you dive into a cosmic world of consciousness. Pranic energy or life force is the bridge by which we can go into the unmanifested reality of being.

Our eternal inner being is free of all dilution, and false reality of materiality

Why your body is the ultimate tool for knowing reality:

In most ancient Hindu scriptures- our body is called a temple, a temple of the soul. The soul is a very thin energy body that resides in the physical body. When our physical body dies it automatically leaves our physical body and depends on the consciousness, whether it takes a new body or is ultimately liberated from the physical world. The physical body is mostly interactive with the outer world but inside it, there is a connection between cosmic body, physical body, and inner body. Just like the infinitely vast universe seen by our eyes in the night sky. Thousands of galaxies, billions of stars, and infinite dwarf planets are seen in the sky at night- the same infinite universe, vast emptiness, and silence present in wholeness inside us.

In our life the psychological and physical manifestations, we have seen and perceived as reality and we are habitual of physicality derive from thoughts and unconscious decisions. You may see physicality as existence because of our tendency to do so, but the fact of the matter- there is no matter and space. The only reality that exists is consciousness or un-manifested reality.

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Only_Passion Drives

Passionate about writing on yoga, meditation, and technology.