Master ChatGPT: Write Powerful ChatGPT Prompt for Quicker Content Ideas

This article delivers 2 hours of study in 4minutes of reading time

Writer's Dream
4 min readDec 9, 2023


I was surprised to find out how a ChatGPT prompt worked.

If you do not know how to write a ChatGPT prompt, save 2 hours of research on it, and become a beginner-level expert in 5 minutes, then this article will help you.

First, what is a ChatGPT?

OpenAI has developed the ChatGPT (a chatbot). It uses artificial intelligence and natural language processing to generate responses to human queries or prompts.

Next, what is a ChatGPT prompt?

It is a query having relevant keywords and phrases that will fetch the responses from the ChatGPT interface.

The better the prompts, the more helpful the responses.

Below are a few parameters that will help you to write better prompts. I will explain with the help of an example.

How to write a ChatGPT prompt for an absolute beginner who wants to generate more content ideas in less time.

#1. Make it super specific

In the above example, if I ask — How to write a ChatGPT prompt, I get the below response, which looks generic.

So, I modified my prompt to something like the one below.

How to write a ChatGPT prompt for an absolute beginner who wants to generate more online writing content ideas in less time.

And the friendly AI gave me this prompt to try.

Prompt: “I’m an absolute beginner in online writing and want to generate more content ideas in less time. Can you provide me with practical tips and strategies to come up with creative and engaging topics for my writing? I’m particularly interested in time-efficient methods. Please share your insights and any relevant examples. Aim for a response that is beginner-friendly and within 300 tokens.”

Now, tell me which one looks good.
The second one, right?

#2. Give the context

ChatGPT works best when you give more context and background reference to the ChatGPT prompt.

For example, if I ask ChatGPT to give me the top five online writing ideas. The bot gives me this.

It looks generic. And with these tips, I spend more time researching what I will write.

So, I added some context to my prompt.

Give me the top 5 blog post ideas on how to write a 1000-word article in less than 1 hour that will get maximum audience engagement who are beginners in online writing and have not generated any revenue from online writing.

Looks better, right?

So, did you understand what mistake I made first and how I modified my prompt, which helped me to get better responses?

#3. Set parameters

You get better responses when you set boundaries or limits to your prompts. For example, in the previous ChatGPT prompt, I specified that I wanted to write a 1000-word article.

Let’s try another example.

I want to generate 5 SEO headlines in less than 150 characters on the topic “How to write a ChatGPT prompt for an absolute beginner who wants to generate more online writing content ideas in less time”.

#4. Specify format

What format do you want?

Is it a bullet point or a paragraph? And how many points do you want?

The more specific you become in the format of the article, the better response you get.

List 4 summaries in bullet points each not more than 2 sentences to summarize the article on the topic” How to write a ChatGPT prompt for an absolute beginner who wants to generate more online writing content ideas in less time”.

You may not copy everything, but you get some ideas to start.


Below is a quick recap of what you read so far.

While writing a ChatGPT prompt, keep these things in mind.

  1. Be specific — Add details about your target audience and the outcome you want to achieve.
  2. Add context — Before asking anything, add some background reference to your prompt.
  3. Set parameters — It is like adding boundaries to your prompt, like specifying how many word articles you want.
  4. Specify format — If you are writing an article, mention the format like paragraph(long/short) or bullet points.

I hope this article will help you to write your first ChatGPT prompt.

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