Mastering the Art of Reclaiming Deep Work Time

Lessons from Cal Newport

Dr. Tracy Davis


woman sitting in a comfortable chair working on macbook laptop
Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

Do you find it challenging to get deep focus during work time?

Me too.

Finding deep work time is a struggle for many of us. Especially with all the distractions at our fingertips these days.

One of my favorite podcasts, Hidden Brain, hosted an episode that discussed how we are constantly distracted. These constant distractions negatively impact our ability to engage in deep work.

I wrote another blog post inspired by an earlier interview with Cal Newport on a different podcast (The Next Big Idea). In that interview, they specifically focused on the distractions of email and its importance in deep work.

According to computer scientist Cal Newport, “Deep Work” is a skill worth cultivating because very few people are doing it anymore. The shiny object syndrome and constant connection to email and phones prevent many people from going deep into a task.

However, deep work allows us to engage with our creative side and fully immerse ourselves in a project or activity. When we are constantly checking phones, responding to emails, or social media notifications, we cannot focus on tasks that require more brainpower.



Dr. Tracy Davis

Doctorate in Educational Leadership Multipassionate, Energy Healing, Productivity, Travel, and Personal Development.