Mastering the Business Side of Content Creation

Lukman Aufbau
Published in
3 min read1 day ago

When you revisit the potential pain of failing at the business, then you are too focused on teaching.

Photo by Erwi on Unsplash

The overall basic message was this: "What if this all falls apart and your parents were right? What if you can’t make it in your online business? If you want to make it in this business, you need to treat it like a business."

You’ve spent hundreds of hours working on your craft, but that’s only part of the equation.

It’s not enough to be able to put on a great presentation. . .

You also need to work on mastering the business. . .

You need to master how to market and promote yourself. "I’ve figured out how to do both—put on great content and build a great business.

Here’s what I did to build my hugely successful career as a creator.

what works and what doesn’t work. . .

And if you’re making these common mistakes, how you fix them. . .?

And at that point, you started teaching your audience the fundamental principles and methods of marketing themselves as a creator. . .

Lots of times, people worry about giving away too much of the "good stuff" during their online presence.

They worry that if they give away too much, their prospects won’t need to buy their products.

But in my experience, this is rarely a problem. The mistake you see far more often is not giving away enough high-quality content.

In this case, your online presence was for a super-premium offer; no one else in the market was charging anywhere near $$$$.

If you’re going to sell at the premium end, the best way to attract high-end clients is to deliver massive value upfront. . .

And that’s exactly what you’d do.

Remember, even though you’re a very accomplished creator and have travelled the world with your business and even appeared on TV, etc, you will still be primarily selling to people who have never heard of you.

There are no official credentials when it comes to teaching people about business.

-No letters after your name.

-No degrees or certifications.

You’re going to be teaching from experience (which, of course, makes for the best teachers), but the fact remains you’re still a stranger to most of your prospects.

But by sharing great content or videos in your online presence, you’d establish the authority you needed.

This showed that you had the experience to teach your prospects how to get high-paying clients and build their businesses.

And just like with my earlier content, there was no hint of a sale in my piece of Medium Content.

Just solid, great content. . .

You were building your authority, and I was building great reciprocity with my audience. . .

(Oops . . . I just jumped ahead a little bit.

Hit the subscribe button In my newsletter I’ll show you the magic of the mental triggers, which build enormous influence with your audience. . .

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Lukman Aufbau

Author of 'My Life On HackerNoon' Building my newsletter to $1M in revenue & sharing everything I learn.