Maximizing Business Success Through Self-Improvement

Elevating Your Skills and Mindset for Career Growth and Entrepreneurial Mastery

2 min readFeb 1, 2023


Photo by
Unseen Studio

Emotions and the mastery of your brain are what is needed to become successful in the world.

The lizard brain(amygdala) is the fight or flight mode that is what must be getting smaller and letting the prefrontal cortex become stronger.

If in an argument the mind believes that you are getting attacked it is going to turn on the amygdala.

This adrenaline is going to increase and getting ready for a fight. In higher-level thinking such as Albert Einstein had a way stronger prefrontal cortex and a much weaker amygdala.

“Meditation is the blossoming of the prefrontal cortex to overcome the momentum of nature. It is coming out of the loops of memories, patterns, fears, dreams, and anger.”

Amit Ray

The way that is needed to improve the power of the prefrontal cortex is to meditate.

In simple terms sit in a quiet place and in a relaxing stance breathing in and out. Breathe in with your nose and breath out with your mouth and then focus on the breath.

If there is a distraction don’t judge and let the thought go through. Before you start meditation make sure to put an alarm for how long this meditation session is going to last.

No need to make your meditation sessions longer than 10 minutes and too much meditation aren’t so good.

“Meditation means letting go of our baggage, letting go of all the pre-rehearsed stories and inner dialogue that we’ve grown so attached to.”

Andy Paddicomb




I have a duty to become the best version of myself I can be. I am willing to put my blood sweat and tears into becoming the beast I can be.