Elio D'Anna
3 min readMay 12, 2024


image courtesy by Moises Sergiannis Alternative Media

The May Day celebration, born from the labor struggles for the affirmation of the rights of “dependent” workers, is now an anachronistic commemoration.

Labor has changed its nature. The AI Revolution, with the introduction of robots and intelligent machines, has depopulated factories, placing “blue-collar” workers and the working class among endangered species. Even employees and the concept of ‘job security’ are drastically decreasing worldwide. It’s time to reconsider the meaning of a celebration rooted in the nineteenth century and based on a conception of work as a biblical condemnation, an ancestral curse of man — “by the sweat of your brow you will eat bread” (Genesis 1:26).

One day, when you have balanced your psychology, you will understand that work has been a form of self-punishment and concealed a sense of uncertainty, doubt, insecurity… vulnerability… fear, and a sense of guilt… leading you to insanity.

Continuously produce a state of integrity within your being, within your body… a state of alertness… unity… this will eliminate victim consciousness and guilt consciousness… work will sublime until one day it disappears from human activities…

Strive to produce a state of certainty, security, safety… a state of victory and invulnerability… this modifies laws and events in the world of phenomena, especially in the professional work that each of us is asked to do.

Laws, social conditions, and historical events transform as a result of this sense of safety, victory, and oneness, which are the tools of faith capable of changing the “apparent reality” of radically transforming the world.

Work is the reflection of the psychology of a humanity living in a sense of guilt… of victimization… of dependency… Work is the effect, the consequence of the worship of illusory… and mortal deities.

Work distracts you from your right to immortality… and relegates you to a culture of guilt, forgetfulness, death… Think about how strong the impulse of death must be to drive you to self-punish through work…

Work is a mask that we wear to hide our sense of annihilation… our sense of insignificance… to hide our fall from paradise… Work is the mask worn by criminality… by those dedicated to suicide… The superstitious man is the worshipper of terrible Gods: Doubt, Fear, Pain… The superstitious man lives in guilt consciousness and victim consciousness… he works to hide his own mediocrity. Work is superstition… as is old age, illness, death… Work touches all those who have decided to die… Work is superstition… it is slavery… it is death.

Eliminate hypocrisy, lies… or the world, like a boomerang, turns against you and strikes you to death… Dedicate day and night to sincerity… the tone of voice… the gaze… the facial muscles… dedicate your entire being to sincerity… or you are preparing for a painful future… transform the here and now into sincerity and clarity, transform your future, and the world will turn towards you sincere, pure, rich… the world is you yourself… it will turn towards you, respectful and generous… sincerity is self-love… Hypocrisy is a form of self-injury… It is self-punishment.

Know every corner of your being… you are guiding all the creatures of the universe and all the universes of the universe…

You are all and everything… this is the realization of every individual… Love, that is, the absence of death, gives life to all creatures… generates them, and perpetuates them…



Elio D'Anna

Elio D’Anna, Founder and President of @eseschool, best-selling author, businessman, musician and producer