Writing and Reading on Medium

May 2024: Monthly Updates from ILLUMINATION Editorial Team

Helpful information summarizing achievements and plans for writers, readers, editors, curators, and administrators

Dr Mehmet Yildiz (Tech)
Published in
28 min readMay 31, 2024


Non-members can read this newsletter on our Substack site or using our friend link on Medium. Our publications are diverse and inclusive. New applications to join our publications are via the writer registration portal. Please add your Medium ID or a link to one of your stories. Details are on our master onboarding pack.

Photo by Mantas Hesthaven from Pexels

Dear writers and readers, Happy June! I write this newsletter from my secondary account, which I mainly use for publishing and curation activities, especially for Technology Hits. For those who don’t know me, my main account is Dr Mehmet Yildiz mainly writing about health and science topics. I am the owner and chief editor of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium.

In the last few months, I decided to author this newsletter because our volunteer editors and administrators are exhausted with publishing, curation, and problem-solving duties, and giving them this additional task will make their duties even harder.



Dr Mehmet Yildiz (Tech)

Executive Technology Consultant and Cognitive Scientist focusing on tech, business, and leadership. Founder of ILLUMINATION https://digitalmehmet.com