May All Beings Be Free of Suffering

Kate Burton, MD
Published in
5 min readNov 12, 2023

Like many of you, I have a morning routine that involves prayer and meditation. One crucial aspect of my practice is consciously and sincerely praying for the freedom from suffering for all beings. This prayer follows the tradition of chants. Forms the core of what we can refer to as a loving kindness meditation. Every morning for years now I have dedicated myself to this practice.

It’s time to tackle the source of pain head-on. By facing the roots with resilience, we can create a future where all beings flourish in tranquility and freedom. Designed using Canva pro images.

As a therapist I firsthand witness the suffering experienced by individuals. Initially many people may appear fine. They function well in their jobs, fulfill their responsibilities like paying taxes and maintain relationships. However, when individuals start opening up about their emotions it becomes apparent how much unnecessary suffering pervades our world. Witnessing this hurts me deeply; I yearn for it to cease altogether.

This is what inspired me to begin praying that all beings find freedom from suffering.

My Initial Approach

At first, I used to pray for specific things to happen. I would say things like “I hope this person’s cancer goes away” or “I wish for this person’s heartbreak to be resolved” or “May this person’s business thrive,” and so on. Seeing people struggle made me want to eliminate the causes of their suffering. It seems logical, doesn’t it? All wouldn’t the world be a place, without diseases, pain or difficulties?

I continued doing that for quite a while.

The Futility of That Approach

If you think about it for half a minute, you’ll realize how silly it is. Praying in such a manner is akin to treating God as if He were Santa Claus. It’s like sending a wish list to the North Pole and waiting eagerly for Christmas morning.

Now don’t get me wrong; there’s nothing with asking for good things. In fact, it’s far better than not asking. However, the idea that suffering will magically vanish from our planet through some intervention that grants my desires within my private thoughts is simply absurd and childish.

Prayer doesn’t work like that — because suffering itself doesn’t work like that.

The Meaning Behind Most Suffering

What does this phrase signify? The truth is a significant amount of suffering in our world is avoidable and it stems from a lack of knowledge. Although there is malice, we can view malice as a manifestation of ignorance.

If we believe that most individuals are genuinely doing their best, then it logically follows that they still have much to learn. Their awareness is clouded and confused. They largely contribute to their suffering through their thoughts, beliefs and actions rather than external circumstances.

Take a moment to reflect on this. Was the cancer patient at peace and content before their diagnosis? Was the heartbroken woman filled with gratitude and joy prior to the end of her relationship? Was the business owner hopeful and balanced, before encountering struggles?

It’s highly unlikely. If it wasn’t cancer, heartbreak or failure there would have been some challenge. Consider how discontent many people feel amidst safety, abundance, convenience, comfort and stability.

If we consider that suffering, the kind that’s unnecessary, relies more on our judgment and understanding rather than external reality then what purpose does it serve to change the circumstances of the external world? It’s akin to a doctor who merely treats a patient’s symptoms because they lack the knowledge or ability to cure the disease.

The True Solution

It was at this moment that I came to realize that when I pray for all beings to be free from suffering what I am essentially asking for and hoping for individuals to awaken and fully comprehend how much they contribute to their pain, suffering and challenges by introspecting into themselves. Their thoughts, beliefs, words, actions, judgments and perceptions.

The Path Forward

Individuals need to recognize that suffering originates within themselves. It is from this space that suffering needs to be alleviated.

The yearning for people to be free from suffering equates with the yearning for people to awaken fully. That is what is truly needed in order to bring about transformation in our world.

You Are the One Who Needs to Hear This

Don’t focus on someone who may need this message. You are actually the one who needs it most.

You need to wake up my friend. If you’re still experiencing suffering this message is intended for you. If you’re still going through impatience, anger, despair, hopelessness or envy it means you haven’t fully awakened yet. Your thinking is still clouded. Your beliefs aren’t aligned with reality.

As you become more aware there may be moments of pain. You’ll realize how mistaken you’ve been, for long and feel the urgency to make things right before time runs out. That’s the pain of awakening.

It’s not a process. As I mentioned in one of my earlier discussions, pain is an unavoidable part of life. We must choose the path that leads us where we truly want to go rather than avoiding it because it seems painful. That perception is likely deceiving us. With increased awareness we can let go of our illusions and ignorance. Gradually move towards light and truth.

That’s probably our way, from here.

The Way for Society

It’s crucial to recognize that the collective awareness on our planet still has a long way to go. Although it has improved compared to the past, it is still relatively low. However, I’ve come to realize that when an individual goes through a process of awakening, this transformation spreads through their relationships and influences others.

These personal awakenings have an effect within their close connections, their communities and their own little corners of the world. These awakenings increase the likelihood that another person will also be open and ready to let go of illusions, delusions and ignorance in order to wake up too.

Sometimes all it takes is a role model who displays courage and promotes peace. Unfortunately, many people haven’t had access to role models, which explains their struggles as learners. If you haven’t found one yet make an effort to find someone who can inspire you. If you have found one already, strive to become that inspiration, for others.

That’s how we move forward on our journey.

So, what I want to stress is this — stop searching for the causes of suffering outside yourself because you’re looking in the wrong place.

If you’re still experiencing distress, it’s important to reflect and identify the beliefs, thoughts or actions that might be contributing to your suffering. Once you become aware of these factors you can work towards aligning them with truth and reality.

Admittedly this process isn’t easy. May involve some discomfort. Nevertheless, what alternatives do we have? Engaging in this self-exploration offers us the opportunity to not alleviate our own unnecessary suffering but also contribute to making the world a less dreadful place.

What are your thoughts on this? Does it resonate with your experiences? Feel free to share your insights, in the comments section.

I trust this article has been both enlightening and informative. I am grateful for your comments, highlights, claps, and engagement. As always, thank you for taking the time to read.



Kate Burton, MD

I’m Kate, a doc and an audiobook narrator. Cat mama. Health/beauty. Got an audiobook project? Shoot me a text! 502-286-6346