Maya’s Conscience: Navigating EV Battery Challenges

Felix Keuya
3 min readMay 11, 2024


In the heart of Silicon Valley, a young engineer — Maya stands before a sleek, new electric vehicle, her eyes reflecting its polished chrome. She’s part of a generation riding the wave of an automotive revolution, one where the roar of engines gives way to the hum of electric motors. But as she inserts the charging plug into her car, her mind wanders to the hidden costs of this silent power.

The Lithium Legacy

Maya remembers her thesis on lithium-ion batteries, the lifeblood of EVs. She recalls the graphs showing the skyrocketing demand for lithium, mirroring the rise of EVs on the roads. Yet, her research had unveiled a stark reality: the world’s lithium reserves are concentrated in just a few nations, turning them into geopolitical chess pieces on a board where the environment and ethics are often sacrificed.

Worldwide lithium demand from 2019 to 2030 by use. Statista

The Dilemma of Thacker Pass

Her thoughts drift to Thacker Pass, Nevada, where lithium mining has sparked a fierce debate. The promise of jobs clashes with the preservation of water resources and sacred lands. Maya has seen the passion in the eyes of the protestors, the local tribes fighting to protect their heritage.

The question lingered: could technology advance without leaving scars on the earth and its people?

Cobalt’s Children

The story deepens in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where cobalt mines employ children in hazardous conditions. Maya’s heart aches for these young souls, robbed of their childhoods to extract the metal that powers her car. The guilt is palpable; the burden of convenience is carried by the innocent.

The Solid-State Salvation

Amidst the uncertainties, a beacon of hope emerges. Solid-state batteries offer a glimpse into a future liberated from cobalt and nickel constraints. In Maya’s vision, this future holds the promise of batteries that are not just safer and more efficient, but also gentler on the planet.

These cutting-edge batteries are poised to revolutionise industries, spanning from consumer electronics to electric vehicles and renewable energy storage solutions. With their extended lifespan and heightened stability, solid-state batteries have the potential to dramatically curtail environmental repercussions by minimising the frequency of replacements and mitigating the risks of hazardous battery failures.

However, the journey towards this utopian future is not without its hurdles, and the alchemy of innovation remains a work in progress.

Schematic illustration of the advantages of using conversion-type cathodes in lithium solid-state batteries

The Ethical Extraction

In California’s Salton Sea, a new breed of pioneers is harvesting lithium from geothermal brine. It’s a vision of a cleaner extraction process, one that Maya champions. But even here, the balance is delicate, and the dance between supply and sanctity is a careful step.

The Crossroads of Conscience

As Maya unplugs her car, charged and ready, she ponders the crossroads before humanity. The EV revolution is not just a journey of miles but of morals. It’s a drive towards a horizon where technology and ethics converge, where every kilometre travelled is a step towards a future that honours both the planet and its people.

In this narrative, we are all passengers and drivers, navigating the intersection of innovation and integrity. The road ahead is long, but with each turn, we have the chance to steer towards a destination that is not only cleaner but also just and compassionate.By engineering batteries with their eventual recycling as a priority, we ensure that the materials within them can be salvaged and repurposed, contributing to a sustainable cycle of use and reuse.



Felix Keuya

Intrigued by where technology, clean energy, and sustainability meet. Driven to use data and mechanical engineering for environmental progress.