Medical science and Biochemistry of food Supplements

Preventive medicine and treatment of chronic diseases.


Hello, Even if we are not doctors, health literacy synthesised with functional medicine knowledge is important information that every person should learn. Medicine also includes a philosophy of preventive medicine. It is necessary to pay attention before getting sick. Even many health professionals are not fully aware of the biochemical information of food supplements. It was a difficult subject but it is now easier to learn. In fact, a doctor should have knowledge about the rational use of food supplements beyond prescribing medication. With this information about health literacy, you will have learnt the subject and some of you will have reinforced the subject.

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In this modern world we live in now, even if we eat quality food, it is difficult to reach qualified food. Because the soil has deteriorated. Even if our food in nutrition is of high quality, there are factors affecting absorption in the body. Therefore, since some capsule systems are produced directly from target-oriented material, absorption is complete, that is, it mixes into the blood. It even reaches inside the cell. We cannot give up some supplements just because this absorption rate is excellent. It is important to choose food supplements in the right form and it is necessary to choose the right nano sizes. Even if absorption in the body is healthy, there are even other external factors that affect it.

Foods are now kind of hollow, useless. No magnesium, zinc, calcium. Some things that developed with the industrial revolution were also reflected to us as harm. The development of technology has been both beneficial and harmful. Even people who eat meat every day are low in vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 needs a good stomach acid to be absorbed. It is also necessary to have more beneficial bacteria in the intestine than harmful ones. When you take liquid on top of meals, the stomach acid is diluted and the appropriate Ph level is disturbed.

Moreover, some doctors give medicines that reduce stomach acid instead of giving food supplements to correct stomach acid. I am not against using medication, especially during attack periods. But there are still damages they cause to the body. If you use food supplements correctly, there is no harm to the body. An intestine that cannot absorb the vitamin b12 we get from food absorbs sublingual vitamin b12. Since it is sublingual, it mixes directly into the blood. There are four types of vitamin B12. Three types are good, but we definitely do not recommend the cyanocobalamin form, which is another type. In the body, things with a storage system are more important.

Vitamin D3 and K2 are more important than calcium for bone health. Because these two vitamins are actually responsible for processing calcium from the diet and even calcium from supplements into the bones. But do not use calcium food advice because this time MAGNESIUM absorption will be impaired. And magnesium is very, very important. Doctors realised the importance of magnesium really too late. MAGNESIUM is so important that they looked at your test wrong for years. Magnesium is the ocean. It’s not even a lake or the sea. Magnesium is the cofactor of 800 important enzymes in our body. Cofactor means the systems that activate the enzymes in our body. You put petrol in a car, but if you do not put oil in the engine, that engine will burn.

It is not right for doctors to be contented only with the information they learnt in universities and to act accordingly in life. Of course, the life experience, age and career of each doctor are different, but the main point I criticise here is those who are closed to development, those who do not question, those who avoid innovation. I also want to criticise more heavily, those who sometimes say that instead of giving hope to their patients, you will suffer this disease for life and give medication for twenty years. Food supplements in the right form, produced with the right raw material, used in the right ways and if the duration is observed, it really makes a serious difference. And it even protects us from faulty gene mutations, chronic diseases and surgeries in our genes in the future.

After magnesium, zinc is very important, which we can no longer get from the diet. Zinc is a cofactor for 300 enzymes. Enzymes are not to be taken lightly. Remember, in order not to be caught unprepared for war, it is important that our warehouses are full. In fact, when our warehouses are full, we actually benefit from other supplements outside the warehouse. Our stores are magnesium, zinc, d3, k2 and iron. Omega 3 is among the supplements that should be used every day. Since we are extremely exposed to Omega 6, we should definitely use Omega 3. Omega 3 is found in the wall of our cell membrane. It is as important as a door and is very important in intercellular communication. The cell membrane is actually the brain of the cell. Although mitochondria and nuclear DNA are important, the cell membrane is actually the brain of the cell.

Omega 3 oil is absorbed in the body in a magnificent way when it is in the phospholipid structure, which is krill oil. Wrong fish oils were used in the market for years. Moreover, some fish oils even contained heavy metals. That is why I strongly recommend ifos quality reliable omega 3 krill oil, because it is as important as MAGNESIUM. It is not stored in the body but it is very powerful. It has a great function. It has vital critical medical importance. If they ask me what would you put in the first place, I would say magnesium. But Omega 3 in second place. Of course, provided that the other storage elements are full. Even astaxanthin is present in the type of omega 3 I mentioned. And it is a very powerful antioxidant. So when you take krill oil, you get both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory at the same time.

Some food supplements are used according to the blood test, that is, according to the level follow-up. If there is a deficiency, it is replaced. These are B12, B9, iron and iodine. There are also other food supplements that can be added from time to time for the purpose. Magnesium is very important for insulin to function in the body. It is even involved in the digestion of protein, carbohydrates and fats. R-Alpha Lipoic acid and Berberine are strategically important if you have diabetes. You should find Berberine in liposomal form.

If we talk about antioxidant supplements, these are Alpha Lipoic acid, Glutathione, Coenzyme q10, and Resveratrol. Anti-inflammatory supplements are Curcumin and omega 3. Antiallergic supplements are Quarsetin and Black Seed oil. Vitamin C and Propolish are important for the immune system. But if your stores are empty, vitamin C and Propolish are useless. This is the rational use of supplements. You should use the right ones according to your situation. Otherwise you will lose your faith in food supplements. And you should buy from safe companies in the right form, in the right quality. Collagen is important for skin and joints. Never forget that the big picture is always the body’s storage systems.

Without using anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory supplements, even if you use vitamin C for a year, it is in vain. It is really useless. Magnesium, Omega 3, D3 and k2 are 4 important food supplements that should be used until death. Iron should be added 3 months a year. Alpha lipoic acid is the antioxidant of antioxidants. Glycine is sufficient for glutathione synthesis. The form of coenzyme q10 is not very important. There are already two forms available on the market. Ubiquonone and Ubiquonol. Although some doctors say that the absorption of the ubiquonone form is not good, 200 mg ubiquonone is transformed into ubiquonol form in the body because we take it in sufficient quantity. So 200 mg of ubiquonone is good.

The supplements I mentioned do not tire the liver and kidney. In fact, the things that tire are drugs that have been used for many years. They called people chronic diseases genetic and created a helpless perception. Of course, not every doctor did this. In fact, chronic diseases are epigenetic. And not only mental illnesses are caused by metaphysical reasons. Metaphysics is my speciality, you can check my website on this subject. So what I’m really trying to say is that some diseases that happen to us have metaphysical and biological causes. Some things are fateful. Some things are not.

In normal doses, up to 1000 milligrams, omega 3 is safe and does not carry the risk of blood dilution. I would like to return to the importance of magnesium. Participation in the structure of 800 enzymes, protein synthesis, musculoskeletal functions, neuron functions are not things to be taken lightly. Magnesium is a natural painkiller, omega 3 comes second. Magnesium regulation of blood pressure is very effective even in hypertension. Imagine a car, how does it go on the asphalt road, how does it go on the gravel road, that’s how important magnesium is. I gave the ocean example before. Most doctors underestimate it. Atp production, heart, immune system, bone health, even Fibromyalgia disease has a direct connection with magnesium. Magnesium is a secret and very powerful weapon. Twenty per cent in soft tissue, fifty per cent in bone, thirty per cent in muscles.

That’s why I gave the Ocean example. You can think of the continents as other supplements. Many doctors don’t look at intracellular magnesium levels. And this is a big mistake. There are 10 different ways to measure magnesium. When we get older, we consume what we have in our storage. We need to wait for old age, we should be very careful after the age of 30. Therefore, we should invest in our stores when we are young. It is inconvenient to take calcium as a supplement because it prevents the absorption of magnesium. No matter which type of calcium, that risk is not taken. Calcium should be taken from the diet and is already processed into the bones together with vitamin d3 k2. Magnesium is very important in veins and arteries. The heart is actually a muscle. It is correct to use organic forms of magnesium. Inorganic forms are not absorbed in the body.

Calcium is actually absorbed thanks to vitamin D and processed into bones with vitamin K2. It is correct to take vitamin D at noon by going out in the sun, except for supplements, for a maximum of 45 minutes. You should pay attention to the country and city you are in. Vitamin D cannot do its job without magnesium. Magnesium is divided into several types. It is best to use organic varieties, that is, to use target-oriented varieties and to use them in combination. Organic forms are mandatory, do not use inorganic forms at all. Magnesium glycinate, Magnesium malate, Magnesium citrate, Magnesium L-Threonate are organic forms. L-Threonate form is the form that can reach the brain best. If you have a neurological disease, use more threonate form.

I do not want to bore you with more technical details. Never forget that the organic forms of magnesium are very, very important for the whole body. Taking magnesium together with vitamin B6 is a very wise and correct method because it will be absorbed very well. The active form of vitamin B6 is p5p prodixial 5 phosphate. It even synthesises serotonin and melatonin. Visionary food supplement companies make the right combinations. I do not want to specify the company name here, there may be a misunderstanding such as advertising. That’s why I’m giving the information, you can research and find the appropriate reliable company yourself.

If magnesium and the active form of vitamin B6, which I mentioned, are missing in the body, which is usually missing anyway, you can use melatonin serotonin drugs, pills given by the doctor as much as you want, if you do not benefit, you will even be harmed. You can use antidepressants in very special cases. Like attack periods. I am not completely against the use of medication, but I am against it to a great extent. I have seen those who have not used food supplements for years, who are doomed to medications and who disrupt the mechanisms in their body with drugs. Tablet forms in food supplements do not show good absorption. The ideal range in vitamin D laboratory analysis is 50 to 80. 30 is not. The best form of vitamin B12 is methylfolate, active folate form. Because methylation cycle is very important in detophication and methyl comes from there.

Other forms except cyanocobalamin co-operate with magnesium. Do not take b12 in the form of cyanocobalamin. Do not have a b12 level of more than 800 in the blood test, because if there is a hidden tumour tissue in the body that you are not aware of, you will inadvertently feed it with high b12. Be careful with this. So you should use some food supplements according to your analyses. But pay attention to issues such as magnesium, which has 10 different methods of analysis. That’s where the real mastery is. B12 and vitamin D can be measured accurately everywhere now. I am not saying that B12 and vitamin D are unimportant because they are easy to measure, do not misunderstand. Magnesium has taught us a lot.

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Leech therapy also makes the methylation cycle in the body. It has its own very special, original enzymes. It’s ancient wisdom. By the way, even if your folic acid stores are deficient, you will overcome this risk as soon as you start food supplements in the form of actiffolate. In time, your stores are already full, of course, if you use the right storage systems and food supplements. Iron is also a mineral stored in the body. It participates in DNA synthesis and the structure of many enzymes. First we said that the systems stored in the body are very important. what were these, MAGNESIUM, VITAMIN D, VITAMIN K2 AND IRON. If your stores are empty, you cannot benefit from the other ones you have used. Tea, coffee and polyphenols taken at high rates affect the absorption of iron in the body the most.

To summarise the nutrition issue briefly, steamed vegetables, legumes germinated with earthen pots. Especially the best legumes are soya beans. When leavening bread, a whole grain bread made from sourdough, even the right sourdough, is the right choice. Cumin and coriander are also the best spices. For nuts, pumpkin seeds are the best. Banana for fruit. When choosing honey, please prefer organic honey because they can add additives.

Why I said these things in nutrition because I planned this nutrition according to the most important vitamins and minerals in our body. I planned it according to the food supplements we will use constantly. Of course, you can add other things from time to time according to your taste, but please remember the general rules. And always stay away from packaged industrial products. They are as dangerous as antibiotics. The nature of man is actually VEGETARIAN. This knowledge is based on esotericism. Man is not a vegan. Man is a vegetarian. If you are going to take iron supplements, you must have vitamin C in it because it increases the absorption of iron and, if possible, in nano iron sizes, in the form of liposomal iron. For passage through the cell membrane. Iron is not used only to protect against anaemia or to treat anaemia, anaemia. Iron is necessary for every human being. It is toxic in high and wrong doses in wrong forms. Glycinate form is good. Iron is important for our body. It is the building block of our blood. You should also choose the laboratories where you have the tests done well. You should choose your doctor correctly.

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In leech treatment, it is sometimes necessary not to make a tampon. I recommend you to get some education on this subject, it is not difficult and it is an important issue. It would be wiser to add iron supplements to our lives during leech treatment periods. Before and after leech treatment. When using iron supplements, we should use it every other day, that is, every other day. It is more correct to use iron on an empty stomach in the morning. Women already lose more iron than men due to menstrual periods. Zinc is as important as magnesium. Magnesium and zinc are underestimated. However, it is very important. They are the storage systems of our body. They are cofactors of enzymes. So is iron. It also participates in glutathione synthesis. One per cent of zinc, like magnesium, is found in the blood, magnesium and zinc have been looked at incorrectly for years in blood tests, even now many doctors and laboratories are looking wrong. The best absorption form in zinc supplements is picolinate form. Please do not prefer other forms.

As for iodine, iodine is found in all secretory tissues in the body. The most important thing to be considered in iodine is to use selenium with iodine. If you do not take iodine with selenium, you will be harmed. 7 and 12-day water fasting, even leech treatment is included in occult medicine. Modern medicine has now been able to prove these things a little bit with its scientific method. Autophagy received the Nobel Prize in 2016. The biochemical effects of enzymes in leech therapy have been explained. You can look it up. The healthiest oil to be added to the diet is early harvest cold pressed olive oil. Olive oil is omega nine. I’ve mentioned the importance of supplementing omega three. You should reduce more omega six. Strategic food supplements for diabetes are berberine, silymarin and alpha lipoic acid. Food supplements that bring the stomach acid to the correct pH level such as Betaine HCI, Pepsin can be added as a substitute player, but the main thing that disrupts the stomach acid is the fluid intake with meals. For example, tea and coffee consumption, especially after meals, is not correct.

Although doctors praise probiotics and postbiotics, I recommend the use of prebiotic supplements because Fos and Inulin prebiotics are miraculous prebiotics that feed all bacteria in the large intestine. It is not a type of prebiotic that can be taken with nutrition. Our probiotics multiply over time according to the movements of the moon. As long as we feed them with quality prebiotics. But if a person’s intestinal microbiota is impaired, that is, if the number of bad bacteria has increased, prebiotic supplementation is not correct in that period, bad bacteria can be fed with prebiotics. It would be wise to use strategic Probiotics and Postbiotics in those periods. And please, prefer PREBIOTICS from a company produced with the right quality and reliable raw materials. Those who use the right Inilun and the right FOS prebiotic supplements can have a gut microbiota as strong as babies who are not breastfed.

Even if a caesarean section was performed or not, it should be used for life. The information exchange from the intestines to the brain is 9 times more than from the brain. Through the vagus nerve. When using collagen supplements, it should be hydrolysed and peptide in nature, and even auxiliary components such as vitamin C and hyaluronic acid should be added. Black cumin oil should not be underestimated, especially in the form of cold pressed capsules, you can use it in antiallergic conditions.

Daily 45-minute walks and the importance of eating according to the circadian rhythm should also be considered. We should not eat dinner in the evening as much as possible. When using r-Alpha lipoic acid for heavy metal detox, use active 1 micron zeolite. Zeolite should be in the form of Clinoptilolite. Stress affects biological mechanisms in the body. In some cases, managing stress really well is as effective as medication. It’s evolutionary. Nuts have to be unroasted. There is no radiation in a microwave oven. For toothpaste, bentonite clay is better. Sulphur is best for soap. The temperature where you sleep at night should be around 18 degrees Celsius and you should sleep in pitch darkness if possible. Cigarettes should not be underestimated, they contain a lot of heavy metals and accumulate rapidly in the tissues and even in the brain.

You do not need to completely eliminate sugar from your life, refined sugar is harmful. Refined white flour is harmful. Refined salt is harmful. In some cases, doctors prescribe antibiotics. You should be very careful about this. If you need to use antibiotics, please prefer herbal antibiotics instead of even narrow-spectrum antibiotics. You can combine herbal antibiotics with leech treatment. Just because herbal antibiotics are herbal, it does not mean that they are safe. The dose is very important, as Paracelsus said. It is not good that the bed you are lying on is soft. Medium-hardness is more accurate. You should use spring water from a reliable company instead of a water purifier. Or you should buy an alkaline ionised water device instead of a water purifier.

Even if you have no disease; Super B -chorella spirulina supplement from NBT pharmaceuticals — NBT pharmaceutical magnesium forms — BENFOLIFFE vitamin b1.
R- alpha Lipoic acid — Another company I trust is next microbiome.
Follow probiotic and prebiotic products by reviewing their web addresses from time to time. If our intestinal microbiota is disturbed, we cannot get much efficiency from the diet and supplements we make.


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Hello, my name is Abdullah Aktaş. I blog on METAPHYSICS-PARAPSYCHOLOGY-ESOTERISM-OCCULTISM and I am active on my Youtube Channel.